Chapter 13

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"Heya Grady! How's life?" Keefe said, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Keefe,  I know that you like Sophie very much, I can see it by the way you two look at each other. Which is why, I will let you guys date, but if you ever hurt her, just know that you are dead."

"Yes, Grady sir. I promise to never hurt your daughter. She is the love of my life. Now, is it okay if I come over to your house? Sophie already said I could."

"Yes, that will be fine, but the door must be open five inches, or I will kill you before you leave."


"Soo, do you want to go up to my room and watch a movie? Edaline said we could bring up some Mallowmelt and popcorn." Sophie said once they walked in the front door.

"Sure, lets go!" Keefe yelled.

"Remember, 5 inches!" Grady shouted after they started running up the stairs. 

"Dad! I told you to not embarrass me in front of people, remember?" Sophie replied, blushing heavily. In response he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What movie do you want to watch? I have almost everything." Sophie stated once they reached her room.

Keefe jumped onto her bed. "How about a romcom? I remember you telling me that you liked those. Even though, you don't strike up as one of those girls."

"First off, I love romcoms. How about we watch this one?" 

"I'm good with whatever. This is your house and you are the boss." Keefe replied.

 They both grabbed a blanket and snuggled up on Sophie's bed. Edaline soon brought popcorn and Mallowmelt up. As she was walking out the door she gave them a face 'aren't they just the cutest' before closing the door. Sophie thought that Grady said 5 inches, but Edaline was his wife so she was in charge.

Once the movie was over, Sophie was fast asleep. Keefe carefully got out of the blankets before tucking her into the bed. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before writing her a note and leaving.

When Sophie woke up in the morning, she realized Keefe was gone. Then she saw a note on her nightstand. It read:

Dear Foster,

Sorry I had to leave. You were asleep so I didn't want to disturb you. You are cute when you're asleep. Love you and see you at school.

                         Sincerely, the love of your life, the one with the most amazing hair, your awesome boyfriend, Keefe

Sophie laughed. Her boyfriend was hilarious.


Sophie ran out the door, saying her goodbye's to Grady and Edaline. She quickly opened the door to Keefe's car jumping in. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before putting the car into reverse and backing out of the driveway.

"How did you sleep, sweetheart?" Keefe asked with a smirk.

"First off, nice nickname. Second off, I slept great. No nightmares, surprisingly. How about you, babe?"

"Great, since I got to see you."

They pulled up to Foxfire, walking in to the morning assembly. "Good morning students! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. The student council has something very special planned for all of you. There is going to be a Foxfire High school dance!" Mr. Leto said, waiting everybody to calm down before continuing. "It will be this Friday, from 7pm to midnight. We hope to see you there! That is all now, go ahead and go to your classes. Have a great day." With that, Mr. Leto walked off.


The next day, everybody was talking about the dance. Who was going with who, who wasn't going with who, and all that jazz. Sophie was getting sick of it. She didn't even know if Keefe was going to ask her. She continued walking to the lunchroom, and was surprised when she saw Keefe sitting at the table. He usually had detention!

"Hey, Foster!" Keefe said, walking up to Sophie and taking her hand. 

They walked like that to their table. "What are you doing here Keefe? You don't have detention?" Sophie asked confused.

"Nah, I needed to talk to you about something, so I didn't cause any trouble. Speaking of," Keefe said, hopping on to the table. "Attention everybody! I have a very important question. Sophie Foster, my amazing girlfriend, my favorite person, will you go to the dance with me?" He asked while holding a giant poster and chocolate.

Sophie was surprised she didn't notice them before. "Of course, Keefe! Thank you so much!" She replied giving him a tight hug. "I love you." She mumbled into his neck. 

"Right back at ya, sweetheart." He whispered back. She giggled before getting her lunch out and eating it. 


After lunch, Sophie didn't really feel like going to chemistry, so she said to Keefe, "Do you want to ditch with me? I really don't feel like going to chemistry. I don't want to burn another one of Mrs. Galvin's fancy lab coats. She was so mad at me last time."

"What?!?! The amazing Foster is asking me to ditch? Its like we switched roles or something. Of course I would!" Keefe shouted before Sophie put her hand on his mouth, motioning him to be quieter. "What should we do? We can go to this awesome place I saw one time. It is really cool," He whispered, not wanting to get on Sophie's bad side.

"Sure, lets go." She whispered back.

Hey guys! I know I say this every time, but sorry I updated so late. But this was a long chapter, (at least for me) so I hope that makes up for it! Also, heres a funny pic of Alden with a beard.

- ilovecows06

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- ilovecows06

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