Epilogue Part 1

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"Keefe, I'm pregnant." 

"What! Babe, this is great. You are going to be such an amazing mom. They will also have cousins their age! This is so exciting!" Keefe squealed like a little girl. 

This is not how Sophie thought he would act. She thought he was going to be freaked out, scared to death, but this was great!

"I just need a minute to process this, though. I will be outside." Keefe said after a minute. 

"Keefe, wait. Let me help you."

Keefe rubbed his eyes, which Sophie noticed were watering. "I just don't want to be like my dad. He was-" He let out a little sob.

"Hey, its okay. You will be the best dad ever. I know it. I'm not very good at giving pep talks but I love you and I know our baby will too." Sophie consoled, gently rubbing his back. 

"Okay, thank you." He replied softly.


"Keefe, do you want to go to the doctor with me? I think we can find out the gender of our little baby today!" Sophie asked. 

"Of course, this is going to be so exciting! Also, when are we going to tell everyone? Biana and Tam told us at 3 months. Linh and Wylie also told about that same time."

"I think we should tell everybody at the Christmas party in a couple of weeks. Do you want to find out the gender today, or would you rather wait?" Sophie questioned. 

Keefe pondered for a minute. "I think we should find out, so we can decorate their room and buy them cute little clothes."

Sophie giggled. "That sounds amazing, Keefe. I love you."


The couple walked nervously up to Sophie's adoptive parents house. 

"Don't be worried, sweetheart. Everything will be okay." Keefe said, leading Sophie to the door. 

"You're just as worried as I am." She replied sarcasticly.

"I'm finally rubbing off on you." Keefe responded, wiping away fake tears. 

"Oh my word. You are such a weirdo."

Keefe knocked on the door and Biana opened it. "How are you guys? I haven't seen you in soo long!" She gave Sophie a hug while Tam gave Keefe a fist bump. 

"Liam, say hi to aunt Sophie and uncle Keefe!" Biana said, Liam poking out from behind her. His black hair and teal eyes making him an exact replica of his two parents. He shyly waved.

"Hi Liam! I haven't seen you in so long! You've gotten so big!" Sophie gushed and pulled Biana to the side. "I have something to tell you guys. Biana, can you get the other girls and meet me in my old room?" 

"Yeah! Is everything alright?" She questioned.

"Everything is fine. Great, actually."

Sophie headed up to her old room and waited for the rest of the girls. When they arrived, Sophie quickly stood up.

"Sooo, what did you need us for?" Marella asked. She always got to he point quickly.

"I'm pregnant." Sophie stated. 

"OH MY GOSH!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" Biana squealed, Edaline squealing soon after.   Marella and Linh were just as excited but on a smaller scale.

 "Is it a boy or a girl?" Edaline asked excitedly.

"Keefe and I decided we aren't going to tell anyone. We know though."

"Oh, come on. I'm your mom! I'm just kidding. I respect your decision but I'm excited to find out!" 

"Lets go tell everybody else!" Sophie exclaimed.

The girls headed down the stairs way happier than when they went up those same stairs. 

Mia ran up to Linh excitedly. She was a mommas girl, and being stuck with dad for a whole ten minutes? Miserable. Mia's tan skin was a perfect mix between Wylie and Linh. She had Wylie's bright blue eyes and Linh's petite form. 

"Hi Mia!" Sophie gave the little girl a hug. "Okay, Keefe. You can tell the guys now." Sophie grinned after she pulled him away from the crowd.  

"Yes! Finally! Sophie is having a baby!" Keefe grinned as he took Sophie's hand and they headed back into the group.

"What!?" Grady shouted. Everybody laughed. He then started tearing up. "My baby is having a baby!" He wiped his tears. Sophie gave him a hug and they both cried happy tears. 

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, sweetheart." 

"Best Christmas present ever!" Biana shouted. It was like she was more excited for the baby than Sophie. "Did you hear that, Liam and Mia, you guys are getting a cousin!" She said to her son and Linh's daughter. 

"Yay! More people to play with!" Mia exclaimed. 

"Hey! What about me?" Liam pouted. 

The friend group laughed. 

"When is the baby due?" Dex asked. 

"June 18." Keefe grinned again. 

"No way! Thats like a month before mine and Marella's wedding! She should be a flower girl!" Dex laughed.

"I think they might be too small for that, and you don't even know if its a girl!" Sophie replied smiling. "And besides I thought that was Mia's job!"

"I know, I was just kidding. Mia is the perfect flower girl." He grinned. 

"And I'm the perfect ring bearer!" Liam shouted.

Oh my word. I'm so sorry it has taken sooo long for me to update! There is still going to be one more chapter, and I might extend it because I love Liam and Mia. Any name suggestions for Sophie and Keefe's baby? And also, would you rather it be a boy or a girl? Anyways, thanks for reading and please vote!+

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