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It's been 3 years since River was born and 3 years since Dal and I started dating. It hasn't been easy and we have struggled a bit but overall we're good.

Dallas isn't a bad father,he actually got a job which he won't tell me what it is but it pays very well. Well enough that me,him,and River were able to move out and get our own place. Darry wasn't too fond of the idea,but I told him I would come by often.

Right now Johnny,Pony,and Two Bit are getting ready to finally finish high school. Pony got a scholarship to Texas A&M and Johnny worked so hard that he got into Oklahoma State University. I'm proud of them both. Two Bit started roofing houses with Darry since he doesn't really want to continue school. Soda and Steve fixed up an old van and are getting ready to go on a cross country road trip,just the two of them and their plan afterwards is to buy the DX so they can work there forever.

As for me I'm still doing a lot of growing,learning,and maturing. Dallas actually proposed! To me! Our wedding will be in about 3 months and I'm so excited. I'm happy that Dallas proved everybody wrong;he's not heartless,he's not cold as ice,he's not just a hood. This man was capable of loving so much and so deeply,I know this because I feel it everyday.

I love Dallas. I love my hood.


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