Black Bloody Wings [smut]

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*so I wrote this some time ago in portuguese and finally decided to re-write in english. Hope y'all like it  ;)        Hells yeah Wing!Kink"

            - Okay Sam. I’m fine, relax. Yeah, right. See you in a few days. – Dean hung up the phone going to the kitchen. Sam was determinate to find a cure to the mark, but he was following empty leads and both of them knew it.

            So he had left two days before, going somewhere talk to some hoodoo anything and Dean would stay in the bunker. After Cas had gone god knows where, Claire was kind of under their responsibilities, but she refused to stay with Dean, in part because she was pissed of at him, in part because she was afraid of him. So Sam convinced her to go with him in this road trip, instead of leaving on her own. She was getting along with Sam, and he tells her a lot of funny stories about Dean and Dean could see his brother loved to be the older one for once.

            Sure Cas’s absence was making them uncomfortable, but there was nothing they could do, so Dean just stay in the bunker and go through thousands of books again.

            At least Sam had gotten Dean a lot of stuff he liked so he would not have to go out much, if he even had to. So he had pie, burgers and all kinds of stuff, and specially beer. He got himself a beer and set back in the table, but a loud fluttered sound got his attention.

            - Cas? – He call the angel that was at the end of the stairs of the bunker. He has covered in blood and had some black thing in his back, huge, but Dean didn’t had time to look because Cas fell and he run to him. – Cas! What the hell happened to you?

            Dean helped Cas stand, barely, and put him seat in the chair he was before, now stopping to look at the black things.

            - Cas, are these your…? – He asked, knowing what where the black wings he saw, but he couldn’t believe it. Castiel didn’t answer. – What the hell did you got yourself into? – Dean asked low. – Come here, you going to lie down and we’re going to fix this mess. – Dean said, helping Cas get up again, he didn’t say a word, letting Dean carry him to a room in the same corridor his and Sam’s where. He put Cas in the bed set, but he could barely stay still. – Hang on in there, okay? I’ll be right back. – He said and run out of the room, going for what he might need if Cas needed stitches or anything.

            He got back fast, finding Cas barely standing in the same way as when he had left.

            - Cas, what happened to you? – Dean asked more calmly.

            - I… - He started, but didn’t continued, Dean starting to look for wounds, his clothes where destroyed and it wasn’t hard to slid the pieces of fabric out, letting him shirtless. He had a few cuts and bruises, but not that could have bleed that much.

            - Where all this blood came from? – He asked in a low shocked tone.

            - My wings… - Cas said barely. Dean’s eyes widened, he didn’t know what to do. He set in the bed behind Cas, between the two wings. One of them was basically broken; it was in a weird angle and bleeding a lot. The other one had cuts and twisted feathers but wasn’t that bad.

            Dean stopped and just stared at them for a moment. They where of a shiny black, beautiful. When the light reflected on them they where blue, and the feathers looked so smooth.

            - Cas, I’ll need to… - Cas just nodded, he knew Dean would have to touch the wings to fix them, clean the blood and all, because his grace was too weak to do so. Dean didn’t knew, tough, that no human had even touched Cas’s wings, so he had no idea what would happened. The only few times he had physical contact with his wings, where his brothers, and in his natural form, not this physical one. He had never even seen this wings, so different from the ones he was used to see. He liked them, tough. They matched his vessel. And Castiel had no idea of how where they physical, but they hurt to much to him to care. Dean touched de broken wing carefully. He had a humid fabric in his hand, and touched the wings really carefully to clean the blood, but yet Cas couldn’t help but contract his back, Dean pulled his hand back.

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