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This was not okay. It wasn't okay at all.

"You are going to die."

The sentence repeated in your mind. You thought you were getting better. Your health was getting better. But now.

Your world fell apart. Life was hard enough as it is but being told you were going to die? You would no longer get the chance to be a hero.

"How long?" you questioned. Tears brimming your eyes.

"After tonight 5 days. You'll die when the fifth day concludes." the doctor said.

She had been your doctor for the past year and a half. You liked her because she never sugarcoated things. She always told you how bad it was.

"Isn't there anything I can do? Like can't I just ask someone with a healing quirk to heal me? Like Recovery Girl." you pleaded. A few tears came down.

"I'm sorry y/n there isn't. This caught us off guard. It's not just your skin that's decaying this time. Your internal organs are decaying, more than what they were before. I'm sorry, you should just give up and live the next few days the best you can. " she said professionally.

"H-How? I thought I was getting better. I thought my health was getting better. You said I was getting better!" you cried.

"You were. You were getting better. I'm just as surprised as you are. I don't even understand myself why your organs are decaying. With all the treatment we were doing it should've stopped. It shouldn't have come back." she said.

"But I thought that it was gone forever. That what you told me. You said I wasn't going to end up like my mom and brother. You said that I wouldn't have to worry about it any longer and that I could finally be happy with my friends." You cried. You voice cracked in a way that hurt her.

"I know what I said y/n. That's what should've happened. It came back stronger than ever had this time we can't get rid of it. It's already gotten to a stage where treatments won't do anything. You're terminal."

You could tell she she wanted to hug you.

You stood up and opened your arms. She immediately hugged you. She started crying. You rubbed her back.

"Its okay." you whispered trying to convince her that it was okay. You were also trying to convince yourself that it was okay.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm your doctor. I was supposed to save you. It's my job and I failed. I failed you y/n. I broke my promise." She whispered.

"It's alright. Promises end up breaking at some point. At least now you have one less patient to worry about." You said trying to make a joke in your situation.

"I will never understand your humor." She said laughing slightly. She let go of you. She wiped a few tears from her eyes.

"I won't get to see you become a hero y/n." She cried.

"It's okay. I never had much hope that I'd be a hero." You replied.

"I think you have to get going now or I'll get in trouble. They might say I kidnapped you or something." She said. She tried to wipe her tears but they still kept falling. You nodded. You walked to the door. You opened it. You turned to face her one last time.

"It's been great being your patient the past year and a half. For everything you've done for me, thank you."

She smiled at you. It was a comforting smile but also sad at the same time.

"Thank you for letting me be your doctor this past year and a half. May we meet again someday in another life. Maybe then I'll get to see you become a hero." She said as tears trickled down her cheeks.

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