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Being able to sleep throughout the night was something you missed. You did sleep just not as much.

You ended up waking up. Your body had pretended to fall awakening you. You groaned in response. When you looked at the clock beside you it read 3:13 am.

You sighed before sitting up. You looked at the plants in your room. In a way it looked just as tired as you did.

You wanted to test something out with your quirk.

Using your quirk you ended up making a couple of flowers appear. When you examined them they seemed to be in great condition. You thought because you were decaying they would decay too.

Your quirk was simple.

Quirk: Garden

How it works: user can make flowers, vines, trees, etc. come from either the ground or exposed skin they have. They can also control the movements of what ever is grown.

It was easy to manage but usually whatever you grew had reflected your physical and mental state.

Any sleepiness you had washed away. Sort how you wished this disease would.

Somehow maybe by a miracle it would but as you got older you no longer believed in miracles. It was nice though, believing that you'd get a miracle.

You just sat there on your bed. What else could you do? Nothing really.

You chuckled at the thought.

You slid off the bed and felt your legs give up on you for a moment. You stood back up. when you examined our leg there was a patch of black. It was on your upper thigh on the left leg. You sighed.

You changed into some sweats and a long sleeve. Luckily because it was getting colder no one would question it. You were thankful for it. Had this happened in the summer, they most definitely would've figured it out.

You were hungry after not properly eating the past couple days. You brushed your teeth. When you finished you stared into the mirror.

You looked tired.

Life being drained. It used to look bad but it was never this bad.

They saw you when you stopped your treatments so they knew how tired you looked.

But now...

You weren't just tired.


You were more than tired.

If such a word existed you'd be the definition. Exhausted didn't even come close to how you felt.

But for now, you were tired.

Dark circles under your eyes showing your lack of sleep. You never grew used to the sight of dark circles.

You had a better sleep schedule than Bakugou. He woke up at 5:00 and went to bed at 8:30. You however slept from 7:30  and somehow you'd wake up at 4:30 and fall back asleep at 10. You'd then wake up again and 12. You slept most of the time. Once you had almost slept the entire day.

So you never really had dark circles until now.

After growing sad of how you looked you left your room and made your way down to the common area.

You found the boys piled on top of each other sleeping peacefully. Something you wish you could do.

You could say you envied them for being able to sleep but you didn't really. They just slept, while you didn't. You thought of it as they were sleeping for you.

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