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warnings// talks about suicide. please be mindful when you read. Only read if you're comfortable enough too. final chapter !!
Read all the way for my final authors note.

Chapter 7 - Epilogue

Morning came for everyone but the kid who loved to sleep. Eyes were bloodshot from crying all night but no one could help it. Aizawa looked at the time and saw it was 9:23 a.m. He knew the students of 1-A would be waking up soon so that's where he would go.

Nezu grabbed into his sleeve and pulled it making Aizawa halt in his tracks. Aizawa looked down at him.

"I'll help you break the news." He said. Aizawa only nodded.  From there Nezu climbed onto Aizawa's shoulder and sat on it, moving Aizawa's scarf over him in case Aizawa needed it.

Aizawa was slow to walk. He kept looking at your phone and looked at the wallpaper.  You were in the center as everyone surrounded you. They were hugging you in a way. Mostly just crowding you but you looked genuinely happy.

"Thank you." Nezu said calmly. Aizawa looked to his side and raised his eyebrow. He was confused on why he was being thanked.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being there for y/n, in their last moments. You didn't leave them alone like they wanted." Nezu answered.

"How do you know what they wanted?" He said a bit sharper than he intended too. "Sorry."

"It's quite all right. Though I know what they wanted because they told it to me when I first met them. They were a lot different then. Even when you met them. Back in that room at the hospital, I've never seen anyone without hope the way they were. I've seen villains and babies with more hope in their eyes than y/n. It was sad. Seeing them come into my office with that news. It was that look in their eyes all over again. Genuinely it frightened me. The way they didn't have that hope in their eyes."

"I saw it though. I saw hope in their eyes before...I saw it." Aizawa said.

"You did?" Nezu asked.

"Yeah...hope of a child." His voice cracked a little.

"It's because you were there." Nezu climbed down from Aizawa shoulder and walked through the doors first of the 1-A dormitory. He still saw everyone there in the area in front of the TV yet instead of one student missing there was two. Aizawa couldn't find Aoyama with the students but he heard someone behind him. It was Aoyama.

"Y/n left last night. I think they ran away. They haven't come back," He said. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept. Eyes puffy.

"I wanted to talk about you about them. To you and everyone else. Wake up everyone for me please." Aizawa asked. Aoyama nodded. He walked over to his sleeping friends and shook them slightly waking them up one by one. Each they arose stretching and yawning, greeting each other with good mornings.

They didn't see Aizawa or Nezu til Aoyama said Aizawa wanted to talk to them.

"Hold on before anything, has anyone seen y/n?" Denki asked. All started shaking their heads. No one had seen y/n since last night. They looked at Aoyama who cowered away like he had some idea of what happened to y/n.

"Aoyama where's y/n?" Midoriya asked.

"I don't know, Mr. Aizawa wanted to talk to us about them." He said quietly facing his teacher. They noticed Aizawa looked a lot more tired than usual. His eyes were puffy and red. His nose was red too. Both he and Nezu walked towards the students as they made space for their elders to sit. They both sat down.

"Mr. Aizawa have an explanation on where y/n is, right?" Denki asked.

"I do." Aizawa said. He really did look sad.

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