Chapter 1 - The day we met

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This book is inspired by this song so listen to this song for this chapter. The red dress is also the dress that Victoria wears in this chapter. Anyways. Enjoy love. xxx


It was 3rd March 1942, more commonly known as my birthday! I finally turned 18 - it felt great to live the world myself; the only problem was that I was told to marry this boy called Ethan. I love him, don't get me wrong, but I'm not ready to marry yet. We have met up many times and we have been on so many adventures together - the adventures are always the best.           

"Victoria!! Get down here! We have something for you!" My mum shouted from downstairs. I sighed before calling,                                                                                                                           

"Coming mother!" I stood up and whispered to myself, "Act like a lady, prove that you are good enough by yourself." As I got into my black leather heels that paired with a knee-high red dress with a collar. I walked out of my bedroom and took a glance at bags, my bags, that have been packed. I found this very odd because I didn't recollect myself packing all of my bags. 

I went down the stairs and saw my sister, Katherine, as she came up to me and pulled me into a very awkward side hug and whispered in my ear,                                                                                                 

"Just because it's your 18th birthday, doesn't mean that Ethan is yours. You may love him but does he love you?" I tried to remember all the good times we had but all that crossed my mind is the arguments we had when I told him that I loved him.                                                                    

"I love him and he loves me. That's the end of this. Mother told me to marry him not you so back off Katherine!" I said, emphasizing the word me. Turns out mother heard me say that as she came out of her hiding spot by the door frame.                                                                                                      

"I thought you were the nice daughter. Sure, you like to stand up for yourself but to your sister!" She screeched.                                                                                                                                                       

"You didn't hear what she said!" I bellowed, "She said that Ethan was hers even though you told me to marry him. She said he didn't love me back." My mother looked at me with a surprised tone on her face as she turned to face Katherine. I turned my back but before I walked out of the door, I heard an ear-splitting scream come out of Katherine's mouth. I slowly turned around, hoping that my mind was playing tricks on me but it turns out my mother was kicking and shoving Katherine.                                                                                                                                                                

"Stop it!! Can't you see that you're hurting her!" I screamed as I tried to pull mother off of her but Katherine started to laugh. "Why are you laughing! I can't see the funny side of this!" I shouted. 

Mother threw a white box at me with a blue satin ribbon on it. I quickly shoved it in my pocket because my mother launched herself at me and started beating me in the corner repeatedly. As I screeched and bellowed for help. When she stopped it was as if the world was spinning at 100 miles per hour and my sight was blurry. Abruptly, I went towards the table as I knew what was going to happen; I went into Katherine's purse and pulled out 5 notes and 8 golden coins, shut the purse, and shoved the money in my purse. Katherine and my mother came out two minutes after me putting the money in my pocket and threw my bags on top of me, making me fall over. I grabbed my bags as Katherine ragged me by my hair and launched me out of the dark oak wooden doors and said, 

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