Chpater Sixteen☠Fate

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People whom guessed the unknown Right! @prismapower @Angel639551
@Gabbyrocks44 @VioletKiwi-Fox @msblossom101 @DoctorWho909

Chapter SixteenFate

Memories filled my mind as I walked home from Freddy's Fazbear's pizza, I couldn't help but blush as the scenes from earlier pass my mind, I'm pretty sure I was blush as well, I could feel warm up. I'm positive it wasn't from the cold.

"Raven..? " I looked over to the owner of the voice.

"Um, yes? Can I help you?" I asked the tall figure in front of me

"Fate will find you out." The tall figure then hit me a cross my head and the last thing I remember was my body hitting the ground and blacking out.

-Rebecca's P.O.V-

I was sitting on the couch with Zach and we happened to be watching Dora the explorer.

"Why the heck are we watching this?" He asked and laughed

"Because. I'm learning Spanish, Yūjin. See." I said

"That's Japanese for Friend, Bec." He started to laugh

My face heated up, that's the moment I realized I was blushing like a mad man.

"Shush up Zach." I mumbled.

He laughed and we continued to watch Dora. A few hours later I Realized it was past Six thirty, Raven should of been back by now.



"Why isn't Raven back yet? She's late.." I mumbled..

"I don't know, do you know were she works? We could go off and look for her?" He asked as he sat up.

"Could we... I don't wanna find out she's dead of something.."

"Sure thing, let's go" he said

-Zach's P.O.V-

After me and Bec got on our Jackets and shoes, we headed out to go see if Raven was working late.

"What if she's not there..?" Rebecca asked

"Then we'll wait till tomorrow at the apartment and see if she shows up." I told her as I glanced over at her.

She looked scared, I don't blame her, from the looks of it Raven and Her are really close.

"What if.. She doesn't show up.." She mumbled

"Then we'll tell the police and -" I was cut off by Rebecca yelling.

I looked over to watch she was looking at and it happened to be Raven on the sidewalk, we ran over and looked over her body to see if there was any wounds, sighing as we found a bump on her head.

"Do you think someone attacked her?" Bec asked

"Rebecca, I don't know.. We should get her back to the apartment As soon as we can though." I said

Bec nodded.

"Help her onto my back." I told her

She helped me get Raven onto my back so I could carry her piggyback, I had to lean forward so she wouldn't fall off my back.

"Was anything taken?" I asked Bec

"I don't think so, she still had her phone and wallet. "

"Hmm." I mumbled then said "okay then. "

-Unknown P.O.V-

"What's that?" Golden asked

"It Ravens necklace." I mumbled and continued "it's .. Fox like, isn't it."

"Indeed it is. Why do you have it?" He asked

"I don't like her... " I crossed my legs "I hate humans, they are lower then dirt. If I could I would stuff her into a suit myself like Mr.Fazza." I mumbled

"Shut up, we don't talk about what he did. He owns us, we can't do anything about it." Golden said as sat next to me

"I know, And I know if we tried to stuff him into a suit this place will be gone into dumps and we'd get scraped." I sighed leaning my head back

"Yeah, but you do-" golden was cut off by the room door opening

"Oh, hey we've been talking about you." I told Mr.Fazza

"Shut up." He snapped

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side this morning." I mumbled

Mr.Fazza glared at me as I giggled.

"Why do you have that?! Isn't that Ravens!?!" He asked as he walked closer to me and Golden

"I stole it." I mumbled playing with the necklace in my hands

"HOW." He asked, his face was red with anger.

"I followed her outside and knocked her out.." I said


"Yeah.." I mumbled

"And what would those words be.." He asked as he grabbed me by my neck.

Golden tried to get me out of Mr.Fazza's grip but he threatened Golden to stay back.

"I told her.. Fate will find you out." I said lowly

Mr.Fazza throw my body a crossed the room

"YOU'RE SO STUPID!!!!" He yelled than continued to yell and tell me how stupid I was.

-Mini Time Skip!-

After all the yelling and hitting, Mr.Fazza calmed down and gave out a huff.

"Fix this. You, Freddy and Golden. Fix This." He left softly after

I got up from the floor as Golden walked over.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah... I'm fine.." I said

I looked down at the floor.

"How are we going to fix this?" I asked

"Easy. It looks like we're going to have to do what you wanted to do to her."

"Stuff her into a suit?" I asked

"Stuff he into a suit."

I laughed and hugged Golden

"YESSSS" I cheered

"Come on Marionette, Let's go make a suit." Golden said


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