Chapter Nine☠Baby grand

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Chapter NineBaby grand

today was Monday, Sunday was filled with thinking, thinking and well... more thinking. i thought about a lot the other day, my dream i had Saturday with my nap.. i had the same dream last night, and i replyed it over and over in my head, trying to make sense of it all, my dream held my sad memories of my parents death, and made up one about me becoming one of them, or was it not made up... i swear im going insane. i ruffed my hair and let out a annoyed sigh, i feel as if im stuck in a wave of emotions carrying me away to my own dismay. i leave the apartment and head to a café that's not that far away form my aparment, walking down the side walk fixing my black beanie and checking my phone to check for anything, to my supise there was a missed call from a unknown number, it was in this area though, i could tell by the area code. i just let it go and contiuned to walk, reaching the café i push the open the door, walking up to the man behind the counter.

"Welcome to FazBears Café, how may I help you?" He asked

"I'm sorry what..?"

"Welcome to Fall Barry's Café, how may I help you...?" He asked again but with a bit confusion.

"Uh, well let's see.. What do you think I'll like?" I asked

"Let's see... I like our Barry mocha grind, but our icecaps with extra cream are So Fab!" He said.

he could be Gay, i mean not to be rude but i would believe it.

"Then I'll take a ice cap with extra cream please" I said

"Alrighty, that'll be 3.00$ please."

I paid and waited for my ice cap, the Guy from around the counter came up to me and gave me my ice cap.

"Here's your fab ice cap, with extra hot dang" he said.

Okay, he's probably gay, now I don't have a thing about gays, but I always had bad luck with the male gender always finding gay ones that happen to not like me like that, which I got used to back where I used to live.

"Thanks, um.. Zachary" I said looking at his name tag.

"awe, your welcome girly, hey call me Zach" he said with a smile

I agreed and we talked a bit before he got yelled at, we decided to give each other our numbers and to text each other later to meet up and hang, he's nice. I left the café making my way to The actual Freddys FazBears Pizza.

I sipped on my coffee and my phone buzzed and I grabbed it from my back pocket, I smiled at the name Zach put into my phone, it totally yelled gay, literally.

Zach The Gay God: Hey Gurl! Boss is giving me crap about 'disturbing' the costumers because I talked to you. Okay then.

Raven: you dork, that's your fault of course. Couldn't stay away from my beauty of a black Raven!

Zach The Gay God: hey. I think you now by now, I'm gay. But GURL you be fab. We should hang out. Are you free anytime this coming weekend?

Raven:yeah I am Saturday and Sunday's we could hang out one of those days?

Zach The Gay God: Dorkkiiii!! Let's do it! We'll talk about this later, boss is yelling at me again. Ttyl Gurl x

Raven: haha okay then, ttyl xx

Laughing lightly at how weird my new friend was as I reached the pizzeria, entering while taking a small sip of my ice cap, as I walked in I didn't bother even trying to get freddy to understand I AM HUMAN. But you know whatever. i walked into pirates cove taking another sip of my ice cap, closing the door behind me the clock began donging, till it hit the twelfth time, awakening my three friends and my one fear.

"Hey there Lass"

i turned around and saw foxy sitting in his normal place to sit, he had his head on his paw, his arm was resting on the arm rest.

"hey Foxy" i said smiling and walking to him

he smiled himself and patter his lap, i thought for a moment which lead to another thought which lead to my dream, which some how lead to knowing foxy when i was young which then lead to me remembering that i never told him i was that little girl.

"Lass?" foxy asked

"sorry, what" i asked

"you zoned out for a lng bit there lass" he said.

i just nodded and sat on his lap, we talked for a bit and some how he found out i played paino, and he told me to play something for him, but of course me being me i said.

"but theres no piano to play.."

"yes there is lass, here i'll show ye, get up" he said to me

i listened and he grabbed me by the waist confusing me, then he opened the cove door running down the hall to the main room with the stage, passing freddy and past the stage curtains opening a door that said music room, he opened the door closing it quickly and locking it, so no one could enter and harm me, the room already had the light on, so we didn't need to turn one on or anything, the room was filled with actual working instruments, and there in the middle of it all was a piano, a baby grand, oh gosh shes a beauty.. i walked up to it and lifted the little door thingy and pushed a few keys, it seemed to be in tune..

i looked over at foxy, he had a smile on his face and he nodded for me to actually play, i sighed and pulled the seat out and sat down, i ran my hand lightly a crossed the keys with out playing a single one, i take a deep breath, close my eyes, and began to move my fingers, playing a simple song by Michael Ortega..

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