Chapter Eleven☠Just Another Day

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(A/N: hey guys! Okay I need to put this out there so... I'm going on a trip to a amazing place, and I will not be able to update, I'll be writing though, so you'll have chapters updated left and right when I get back, I'm leaving the 30th and will be posting a bit before then, I'll be back on the 7th, anyways enjoy<3)

Chapter ElevenJust Another Day

The fact that my cousin Rebecca ran away from her home to come here kinda ticked me off, but I understand why she did, her parents are violent drunks, her dad lost his job and her mother did drugs, she was bullied in school, I don't know how I'll be able to keep us a boat, but we'll mange, I walked over to the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I opened the door and closed it behind me, Rebecca was sitting on the bed with her laptop, no doubt on Tumblr.

"Hey kiddo... Umm, I'm going to have to ask you a favor" I said sitting next to her.

"You're not going to send me back there... Are you?" She asked

"No, no.. But, I don't think my pay cut will be enough for us both... I'm going to have to ask you to get a job.."

"Oh thank goodness, yeah.. I understand... So pretty much pay you rent?" She asked, shutting her laptop.

"No, but I'll be paying our rent, but I need you to help pay bills and such, and maybe food and 'feminine' stuff" I said

"Alrighty, I'll look around" she said with a smile.

"Actually... I saw a help wanted sign at this café I went to... That happens to also have Zach there.."

"ZACH!!!" She said almost falling off the bed.

I laughed and nodded, we talked a bit and I told her to get dressed and I'd take her to the café..

-Foxy's P.O.V-

Wondering how I'm up, I have the option to turn off myself or not, which no one knows. The door to the cove opened up, I expected Raven for some reason, but instead it was Golden.

"Golden. What are 'ye doing here." I asked

He gave a deep chuckle and said "I came by to tell you something, I think you'd wanna know..."


"Fine, I'll leave."


"I guess you won't find out about your old small first mate... " he said turning around and walked away


He turned around, you could tell he was smirking.

"What about her..."

"She's been around this place for a while now..." He mumbled

"What do 'ye mean Golden."

"Raven, the 'watch woman' is your first mate, the one from such a long time ago" he said and left the room before I could stop him.

Raven... The watch woman... Is... That Raven....

-Ravens P.O.V-

We got to the café, me, Rebecca and Zach where sitting in a booth, Rebecca was sitting alone and I was sitting next to Zach, he even bought us drinks, even though me and Rebecca told him not to, I was sipping my icecap, and Rebecca lemon and Raspberry tea, me and Zach where helping Rebecca fill out her allocation, Zach even said he'd put in a good word for us, as I leaned back and looked out the window I started thinking about what foxy told me about their human like body's, but it was still animatronic, like their body's metal moves to a human like shape and their skins fur get sucked into their body, making their skin like a humans, it's hard to believe, but because I saw him in this human form, I do. I take a sip from my drink and continue to stare out the window until I feel someone lightly pushing me, I look over and Zach, him and Rebecca where starring at me.

"what?" I asked them.

"You've been zoned out for about ten minutes now, we wanted to see if you where okay." Zach said.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I say

"You sure... I've never seen you zoned out that long before..." Rebecca mumbles.

"I'm alright" I said smiling.

My hey let it go and told me that they where done with her application for the job, so she turned it in, we stayed for a while and talked about Tumblr, FanDoms, and Bands.

Zach said he was "in love" with Harry styles from One direction, Rebecca and me both glanced at each other and acted like we shot ourselves, Zach just laughed and said some... Not so nice things about his love life... We just laughed, he smiled and laughed with us, that's when I noticed the time.

"Oh crap, Rebecca, we have to head back.. I need to get to work.." I say

"Can I hang out with Zach? He could take me home!!" She said

I glanced at Zach and he nodded, I gave him a 'are you sure' look and he just smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Alright.... Just don't get home to late" I said

Rebecca Zach and I all got up and hugged each other, I told Rebecca I wouldn't be home till a bit after six, she just nodded, I left and headed to FazBears.

(A/N: so.. I'm sorry for the short chapter)

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