Chapter Eight☠imformation

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Chapter EightInformation

i closed my apartment door behind me rushing to ge off my shoes and take off my jacket, i went over to my favorite chair, the lazy boy and sat down, i pulled out the first paper in the file and started to read it.

"Non.50 sub.The Whole crew
bears:Old freddy, toy freddy, golden freddy, Old goldy.
chickens: Old chica, toy chicka plus her cupcake.
Bunnys:Old bonnie, Toy Bonnie.
Foxs:Foxy, Mangle.
Others:BB, Marionette.

About Older Ones: They are actually never used, there just sitting around in the backrooms until we switched them out in the year of '99, they where remade and everything.

'New' ones: truth be told they are actually older then what everyone thinks, they were actually made for the pizza place for the grand opening in '81 and where used then

why replaced: toy Freddy, toy bonnie, toy chica, bb, mangle, golden Freddy and marionette all started to glitch out, and started doing things they where never able to do before, like talking about things that weren't in their motherboards and what not, and stuff like that, marionette how ever we had to de-part do to her always attacking the adults when her dumb music box stopped playing. we ended up de-parting everyone but mangle.

why we didn't de-part mangle: she was actually keeping foxy company, but she did bite poor ricky and because he and Foxy's teeth match and no one knows about mangle we had to put foxy 'out of order' and we de-parted mangle.

the glitch: to our surprise the glitch reached foxy, bonnie, chica and Freddy. meaning they can talk on there our and we just found out th** **** *** ******* **** ****** ** **** *** **** ****"

"DANG IT" i yelled out.

the file was smudged or something i couldn't read the rest of it which made me super duper mad. then i remember the other page. i reached in a grabbed it and reading it also

"non.51 sub.Foxy's little mate.
Little Raven M. we didn't find out her last name. but little miss Raven has been spending time with foxy in pirates cove, she seemed to be very close to him, they talked every time she was here, but we noticed one day she stopped coming and foxy just stayed slumped over in his chair, we had asked one of the normal kids that come around a lot to ask foxy why he was so down, foxy simple told the child "She be gone forever lad, she may never come back again, and we may never be saying our normal goodbyes again" foxy then also hid behind is curtain and never bothered popping his head out unless it was passed twelve."

i read out loud and starred at the paper in my hands, i never realized the pain i put foxy through when i left and never came back, he might think I'm dead by now and gave up, but i didn't even know because i never asked. i put the file down and it fell over, a small paper fell out of it and i took it into my hands and flipped it over, to my surprise it was a picture of me and foxy, i was sitting on his lap as he told one of his well known story's, someone must of took it when me and him didn't notice, tears came to my eyes as i slightly wished that i was that little again and was on his lap as he told me his small story's again and again until i fell asleep, but there was no going back. and i knew that.

i sighed putting the picture on the stand next to my lazy boy and i put back the papers in the file holder, i just wish i knew what else was there to find out. im just getting super annoyed by it all.
i didn't know what to do anymore, so i left to my bedroom, to rest up a bit.


i was walking down a long and dark hallway, my foot felt cold and fake, i looked down two see furry paw like feet, just like a foxs, thr furr gray and light, i looked at my hands they where like furry hands, i felt my face, it felt fake and pointed, i ran down the long hallway which felt like forever, till i reached the end. the very end had a mirror and before could even look into it, i fely my body go into massive pain and i started to scream, the sound of two other people also screaming out hit my now human like ears, i was in the car crash, the one that killed my parents i began balling my eyes out not knowing why this was happening to me.


i akwakened at a fast pase, and felt my heart beating quickly and my lungs catching air, my throat hurt which was pretty much telling i was screaming in my sleep also, tears ran down my eyes from my dream, the crash, my parents death, the dark hallway- i then realized my dream wasn't like my others i normally had, i was just like Foxy, chica, bonnie and freddy, i quickly wipped my tears and started to wonder why i had a dream like that, i let out a small puff and quickly getting out of bed and wen't to make myself some sweet tea.

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