Big Three

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Since Torres needs Sam's help Sam invites me to go with him on his next mission. So we pack up and head to one of the military run airports. When we get there, Torres meets us while we're looking over a new poster of John Walker as Captain America. "Seems like a good guy. Have you met him?"

"No," Sam shakes his head.

"They made the wrong choice," I sigh.

"What do you mean?" Torres tilts his head.

"You give power to the good man, not the perfect soldier. Which is why Steve gave it to Sam rather than Bucky."

"Well, like I said, he seems like a good guy."

I shake my head, "or he knows how to play one." I take a deep breath before turning to Torres, "I'm sorry, we haven't actually met. Phoebe Rose. You can call me anything you'd like; Phebs, P, Phoebe, Rose, as long as it's not Ms. Rose we'll be best friends."

"You got it," Torres smiles as he shakes my hand. "But can I say, I thought you'd be taller."

"Yeah, well, that happens when our suits have heels."


"I think it has something to do with the idea that superheroes need to have a certain stature. We need to be larger than life."

Sam chuckles, "all but short stack over here." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I reach up, grabbing his hand, to give him a little shock. When I do he yelps a bit and removes his arm. "Hey, don't shock me, woman."

"Don't call me short stack, Wilson."

Sam shakes his head, "thanks for doing this on such short notice."

"Yeah. No sweat," Torres shrugs, "I'm just finishing up the checklist. You'll be all good to go once you land in Munich."

As we start to walk down the stairs, Torres behind Sam and I, I look around, "you know he's gonna show up, right?"

"Who?" Sam looks over to me.


"Yep, and when he does we aren't telling him a damn thing."

We don't even get down the second flight of stairs before I hear Bucky, "shouldn't have given up the shield."

"Good to see you too, Buck."

Sam and I don't break stride as we get onto the main floor, Bucky walking with us, "you two know this is wrong."

"Hey, hey, look, I'm working, alright? So all this outrage is gonna have to wait."

"What are you doing here?" Bucky looks at me.

"Sam invited me to join him," I shrug.

"Yep," Sam nods, "because when this trip is over, everyone here will see she is an ally to us and she can start getting paid."

"Wait, this is your way of getting me a job?"

"This is my way of looking out for you."

Bucky sighs, "did either of you know that was gonna happen?"

"Of course not," I shake my head.

Sam rolls his eyes, "you think it didn't break our hearts to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America."

"This isn't what Steve wanted," Bucky sighs, clinching his jaw.

I scoff, "yeah, no shit. But what do you want us to do? Do you want Sam to call America and tell them that he changed his mind? What's done is done. We can only hope they made the right choice."

"Well, it's been a great reunion, buddy," Sam pats Bucky's on the back, "be well."

"You had no right to give up the shield, Sam," Bucky begins to let more of his frustration out.

"Hey," Sam stops, turning to Bucky, "this is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over, Bucky. Besides, I have bigger things to deal with now."

As Sam says this the frustration on Bucky's face is replaced with confusion and sadness, "what could be bigger than this?"

Sam takes out his phone and shows Bucky the video Torres had sent him, "this guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong. Too strong."


"Well, he's been connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers. Now, Redwing traced them to a building somewhere outside of Munich. So that is where we're going."

"Well, I don't trust Redwing."

I smile at Bucky, already done with the boys fighting, "well, good news, you don't have to trust Redwing. But we're gonna go see if he's right."

"'Cause I have a feeling they might be a part of the Big Three," I turn back to Sam, a bit confused.

Bucky looks just as confused, "what Big Three?"

"The Big Three."

"What Big Three?"

"Androids, aliens, and wizards."

"That's not a thing," I shake my head and laugh a bit.

"Oh, it's definitely a thing. Everytime we fight, it's one of the three."

"Who are you fighting now, Gandalf?" Bucky takes a step forward.

"How do you know about Gandalf?"

"I read The Hobbit in 1937 when it first came out."

"Aw," I smile, "you're so nerdy in a dark and scary package."

The boys ignore me and Sam continues on, "so you see my point."

"No, I don't," Bucky shakes his head, "there are no wizards."

"Doctor Strange."

I shake my head, "sorcerer, not wizard."

"Aah!" Sam chuckles, "a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. Think about it, right?"

"Then what's a magician?"

"A wizard with a top hat. But I mean, I'm right. It's crazy, right? I just came up with that"

I shake my head, trying to get back to the point, "but that's not the point. These guys aren't magical. They use brute force like you," I hit Bucky's arm with the back of my hand.

"The incredibly annoying guy in front of us with the staring problem."

Sam and I start walking toward the plane again, but Bucky follows, shouting, "I'm coming with you."

"No, you're not."

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