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Sam and I get to the station as soon as we can, I basically ran to the car once the patrol cars left. When we get to the station I go about trying to get information on Bucky. "James Buchanan Barnes," I give his name to the woman working the desk.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, he isn't in our system."

"Then try James Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes, something fucking Barnes, because he is in that system, I know he is," I begin to raise my voice.

As I do, Sam comes over and places a hand on my shoulder, "hey, hey, calm down, that's not gonna help anyone." He looks to the woman at the desk, "I'm sorry, she tends to run a little hot. We'll just wait over here."

Sam and I wait in the station for about thirty minutes before I hear someone call out to us, "Sam, Phoebe," when I look up I see a brunette woman. "I've heard a lot about the two of you. I'm Dr. Raynor, I'm James' therapist."

Sam stands up and shakes her hand, "its nice to meet you."

I shake her hand as well, "does this mean he's getting out?"

"I don't know anything about that," Dr. Raynor shakes her head.

"Christina!" I hear a man call out, there is only one voice that hurts my ears like that and it's John Walker. He is standing in the doorway, signing a couple things and taking pictures with a few people, "it's great to see you again."

"You have to be kidding me. You know him?"

"Yeah," Dr. Raynor shrugs, "we did some field ops back in the day."

"I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I'd step in," John walks over to us. "Bucky's not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer."

"We haven't finished our work. Who authorised this?"

I roll my eyes, "he did. Do you have any idea what that's gonna do to him? Huh?" I step toward John, I am happy to say he's smart enough to step back, "this is going to hurt him more than it's gonna help anyone."

"He's too valuable of an asset to be all tied up," John shrugs.

"He is a human being. He doesn't need to see anymore war, he needs to focus on himself..."

"I agree with Agent Rose," Dr. Raynor adds.

"Look, just do what you gotta do with him." John chuckles, "got some unfinished business, him and I. You too, Wilson, Rose. I'll be outside." John turns and leaves us, if it wasn't for Dr. Raynor, the fact we are in a police station with civilians and if I had any idea how to actually throw my energy yet I'd consider using John as target practice.

I turn back to the desk and see Bucky standing there, getting signed out. I run to him and hug him tightly, "Buck!"

"Hey, doll," Bucky hugs me back, "I told you I'd be alright."

Once I let go of Bucky I smile up to him, "good, because you won't be for long."


I shove him, "how could you miss a session with Dr. Raynor?"

"I was with you and Sam," Bucky gestures over to Sam.

"After we both told you not to go."

Dr. Raynor walks up beside me, "while I agree with you, Phoebe, I cannot allow you to beat James right here in front of everyone. James condition of release, session now, with you two," she points to Sam and I.

"Nah," Sam shakes his head, "that's okay, I'll be out here..."

"That wasn't a request." Dr. Raynor looks back to me, "shock him if you have to." Sam goes with us rather willing after this statement, he almost beats Dr. Raynor and Bucky to the room. When we get to the interrogation room they are letting us use Dr. Raynor sits on the side furthest away from the door, while Sam and Bucky sit in the two chairs on the other side and I sit in a chair on the wall behind them. "So, who would like to start?"

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