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After Rhodes leaves us, Sam and I stay and talk a bit, still walking through some of the exhibit and looking at some of the old uniforms. "So have you heard anything from Barnes?"

I shrug my shoulders, "a bit now and then. Never much and never enough."

"You mean, you guys don't share intimate personal details during pillow talk?"

I scoff, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You don't have to hide it from me, P," Sam chuckles, "I know that losing Steve was hard on you and then on top of that Thomas walked out not even a month later, you needed an outlet and so did he." He sucks in some air through his teeth, "I didn't think it would last this long, but... here we are."

"Yeah, well, you know, I wasn't really ready to jump into another relationship since my sense of duty is greater than my sense of self," I sigh softly, shaking my head as I remember the last words Thomas said to me before he left.

"Eh, forget about that guy. He was a moron who couldn't see what he had right in front of him. He lost a girl that was good enough for Captain America."

"Yeah, but no matter how you look at it, he left me for someone else."

"Nah, Steve thought you could have a normal life with Tom, what he didn't know was how big of an asshole he is."

"Speaking of assholes, have you heard anything from Barnes?" I look over to Sam, "I know I'm not the only one contacting him."

"You may not be the only one contacting him, but you are the only one he's contacting." Sam shakes his head, "I talk to his therapist every now and then and read some of her reports on him."

"Is that even legal to do?"

"Well, not technically, but since he's been pardoned of all charges, her notes are kept meticulously in the military archive. So it's all a matter of a few keystrokes," Sam wiggles his fingers in the air.

"So you know he's been having nightmares."

"Yeah, I do. But if you aren't sleeping with him, how do you know?"

"Let's just say I've slept on his couch a couple times and he's woken up sweaty and almost screaming more than once." I shake my head and take a deep breath, "but he's trying."

"I know he is."

"I just wish it would do something for his mental state."

"You don't think it is?"

"I know it isn't. He's seen nothing but war for over 90 years. He had a few months off in Wakanda, but then we dragged him right back. Then he was gone for five years and then right after he got back he watched his best friend turn into an old man and die." I shake my head and look down, "I don't know, it just seems like a lot for someone to go through."

"Even someone like Barnes."

"Especially someone like Barnes. He acts like a hard ass, but he's a caring person."

"Uh huh, and you know all this from crashing on his couch."

"What else am I supposed to do while you're off with your family?"

"Hey, I'm not knocking it, Barnes is a good guy."

"Since when do you like Barnes?"

"Since he got his mind back and we had an actual conversation."

"Yeah, and did this conversation take place before or after Steve became a fossil?"

"Look who's getting her spunk back." Sam laughs, "you gonna shock me next? Come on," Sam puts his hands up and starts to box with the air.

I shake my head, laughing, "stop it, you're gonna get us kicked out."

"Maybe you're right. But you know you are always welcome to come down and visit."


"Of course, the boys would both love to meet you and my sister is a huge fan."


"Yes really. You, Natasha and Wanda were all feminist icons."


"Yeah, were, because one of you is missing and the other is... well, you know. But you gave hope to so many and empowered so many more, just by being you."

"You mean, by being a woman."

"Man, woman, alien, wizard, it don't matter. You sassy as hell and can probably kick my ass." Sam laughs, "speaking of Nat, are you still wearing her white suit?"

"If I ever get a mission, yeah. No point in throwing away something that's in perfect condition."

"Does that make you the new Black Widow?"

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