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I am so sorry for keeping you all waited for so long. I never knew you were waiting for this according to me it was trash. I felt like it isn't intersting. And few weeks back I left my insta fanpage because of the lack of readers and just forgot about this FF. I got busy with BTS FF and never knew there were some genuine reader waiting. I am so sorry again to take you guys for granted. I am sorry, truly.
          And yeah!! I got promoted to class 9 and studies has finally started getting better after more than a year. So I am really happy. I am so sorry. Please forgive your sister. Now let's dive into the story.


[Flashback- Aarushi heard a knock on the balcony door and got a ray of hope
She stood from her bed and opened it. As expected, there was standing a guilty faced Ajey with his head hung low. ]

Aa: ( in a strict tone) What? Kaya chahiye?

(She didn't mean to be rude but she couldn't help it. She was truly hurt by Ajey's previous actions.)

Ajey's p.o.v:~

Hearing her strict and subtle voice I  was more nervous. I knew I was the one who is wrong in here. But my courage was slowly going downwards in a blink of an eye. She was the first girl whom I became this close just after my mother and cousins. This was my first time apologising to my first crush aka friend. I will fuck up again. My stupid brain then did something very stupid. I hugged the girl standing in front with furrowed eyebrows, almost burying my face in the crook of her neck. She seemed surprised, probably didn't expect such an abrupt action. Ofc. You are a great fool Ajey!! But just when I was about to pull out I felt her wrapping her arms around my shoulder. I was quite relaxed as she didn't reject our first hug while I behaved so harshly with her in the morning. She is an angel or what?! I don't deserve her, not even as a friend.

Aarushi's p.o.v:~

After I threw my rude tone towards him he stayed silent for sometime before doing something unexpected. He pulled me into a warm hug by my hand. As soon as I felt his chest against mine I froze in the spot. This is the first physical touch you can say we had. His face was buried in my neck as he was holding my body from both sides. Seeing me not making move he was going to pull away when I brought him close by wrapping my arms around his shoulder taking in his scent. I bet he didn't take a bath today. His choice ofc. We were still infront of the balcony door means if any CCTV aunty or uncle would be up at night they can surely enjoy a live kdrama scene. But I didn't care about anything. All my attention was focused on ourselves, the comfort I was getting through his small action and the way his breathing was becoming heavy each second due to nervousness. I decided to break the ice.

Aa:(in a normal tone)Should we maybe go inside?!

To my surprise he didn't say a word and just went behind with still hugging me like a koala and closed the door once we're inside. Was it that important not to break the hug? Well..I am not complaining a bit.

Aa: u maybe have something to say?! ( In a soft tone)

Ajey still stayed silent. He's surely testing my patience.. isn't he?

Aa: Ajey...after all the things you did in the morning, did you came here just to hug me without a proper explanation?

This time he let it go and made eye contact. I could see his tired eyes. He didn't sleep the whole day. What the heck he was doing then all day? He seems a little kindargarten child who's so nervous to say sorry to his friend.

A: I---sorry.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and eyed him to proceed and explain the reason behind his odd behaviour.

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