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[ No...I won't waste any time explaining why I updated after so long...just didn't really feel like it and therefore took a long ass break..ok let's concentrate on the story for now. ]


( Flashback..

A: You should have told me sooner.
I thought I lost my first love.


As soon as those words left his mouth my heart skipped a beat. I was surprised and confused and nervous. Surprised because he really fucking exposed his feelings , confused because it was clear he did it what should I do now? Nervous because I don't know what to do , how to talk .. suddenly I am feeling as if he's a person far away from that he blurted out his feelings it started feeling different...I am feeling like I gotta be more cautious. He also seemed to understand what slipped from his toungue....none of us taking a step.. waiting for the other one to do something.... we're still hugging by the way. Finally ajey said ,

A(Ajey): Aarushi ....

Aa(Aarushi): Ha bol

A: Tune kuch suna?

Aa: Unfortunately yes.

A: ......(silence)

Aa: Do u want me to unheard it?

A: .......(silence)

A: I wish I had more guts

Aa: I agree

A: If u can't help me at least shut up

Aa: As u say

(....eternal silence)

Aa: Ajey....

A: I am thinking

Aa: About what?

A: How to confess properly to you

Aa: .... it's okay , don't push yourself...Words ain't that necessary.

A: You are not helping at all-

Aa: I said I don't need anymore words. I get it.

A: (silently pulled her closer while burying his face deep into the crook of her neck)

Aa: What are u ? A puppy? You keep snuggling into my neck .. it's ticklish dumbass

A: Do u not like it?

Aa: When did I say that?

A: Then shut the fuck up and let me do it

Aa: I am not some soft toy you know.. don't make a Sandwich out of me

A: Ofc not ..I hate sandwiches..I will make a pretty burger 🍔

Aa: For real this position is back's hurting bitch

A: if you put your legs on either side then it's nomore uncomfortable

Aa: (did what she's told) hmm (being comfy)

A: Aarushi..

Aa: (humming)

A: Wanna give it a try?

Aa: Sure...(humming)
       Took u long enough to gather this much courage..(humming again)

A: Are u sleepy?

Aa: Hell yeah

A: Do u mind me sleeping with u in my arms?!

Aa: I should...coz the goosebumps all over my body and the gooddamn grasshoppers partying in my stomach is not healthy at all.

A: Does it look like you have another option? Get used to.

Aa: Gladly

Finally Ajey pulled out from the hug and looked into the eyes of the girl he has given his heart to...the girl who means the world to him..the girl he wants to keep loving till the very end.
      He took Aarushi's hands into his and kissed her knuckles gently mumbling a 'thank you so much for giving a chance' afterwards. He looks up to find her adorably staring at him with literally star eyes while a small smile is displayed on her mouth taking in all the warmth of the moment. Realising she has been caught she moved behind from his lap while saying ' This is so gross. Why do such a thing? ' Ajey smirked knowing it all that she's faking it " let me make it up to you then " Saying it he pecked her forehead , nose , cheeks , eyelids one by one except lips. They both know that's not the time for it yet. They still have a long way to go. Both was unknowingly growing feelings for another...both wanted to care, to be there for took a step forward...another one gave him the support to keep going.
       This feeling is new to both. Staring at each other's eyes with the biggest smiles plastered in their faces .
      Turning the lights off they settled in the bed being so close to each other that they could hear the other one's breathing....the boy whispered "A single tiny dry kiss would be great before sleeping" indicating he needed something too to feel the Group of dancing grasshoppers in his stomach. The girl groaned annyoedly (flustered) before moving so that she could plant two tight kisses on both his cheeks. The boy's cheeks flushed pink.

(After some moments)

A: Aarushi..


A:You didn't brush today

Aa: Is that so?.

A: Did aunty uncle directly adopted u from the Amazon forest? Bet even animals there brush their teeth everyday.

Aa: Says the one who didn't take a bath in a whole day and is stinking right now.

A:Guess we're in the same shoes.

Aa: Ofc lol
                 (Made for each other lol💞)

[Guess this is how it is with your best friends..who not only understands you like nobody else but also makes you feel at ease in any situation even if it's you proposing her .. she'll help u with that as well.]


Lol. Finished. I honestly don't know what the fuck I just wrote at 2 AM. WHATEVER this scenes took a lot for me to imagine. Literally sitting beside the window looking at the night sky with bright moon there thinking of something suitable to write here. If it's not up to the hopes sorry then. This time I purposely took the break by the way. Will update once I think how to proceed from here. It's literally a milestone now that the confession is done. Anyways stay healthy and take care. Me lobs all of you who looked towards the next chap.💞✨


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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