The Fighters

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Oh my goodness. These past two weeks were midterms for me (for anyone who doesn't know, midterms are basically big college exams halfway through the semester that can make up a big part of your grade). I think I did ok on mine, but afterward (starting on Wednesday or so) I had a huge burst of motivation to just get this chapter done. And I did!

I mentioned this already but I have all of the major plot points and chapters planned out, but anyone who is a writer knows that the hardest part about writing is just sitting down and starting. Anyways, I am so happy that I finished this. I genuinely hope all of you enjoy it as well :)


Po and Klara


The night was just beginning when the festival lanterns were lit. The joy, giddiness, and eagerness to start the festivities were all Klara felt as she stood in front of the village tailor. The tailor- a panda, like everyone else- had been fussing over her all day as she insisted on fitting the strange newcomer with a new robe that allowed her to cast aside the traveling garments she'd been itching to discard as soon as she'd arrived in the panda village.

Ming Ming, the seven-year-old panda triplet, approached from behind, "Wow!" She exclaimed, "You look so pretty!" The panda gushed. Klara twirled around, a big smile on her face as she held the seams of the dark blue robe,

"Thanks." She beamed, "Has the festival started yet?"

"Yup! C'mon, let's go!" Ming Ming grabbed Klara's hoof and pulled her out of the tailor's shop and towards the village square. Klara- despite the panda cub's tight grip on her hoof- matched pace and kept up, giggling, as they entered the village.

Klara didn't know what hit her first: the music or the smells. The minute she stepped out of the shop her senses were bombarded. The smell of freshly cooked noodles, dumplings, vegetables, rolls, and cakes flooded her nose. The sounds of horns, drums, and string instruments being played caused her ears to twitch eagerly. That was before she heard the singing of the singers, who were singing jovial songs amongst themselves. The sun had already set, and the golden glow of the lanterns cast a warm light upon everyone and everything.

"Wow," Klara breathed as she and Ming Ming joined the crowd of pandas, "this is what a festival's like?" She was nearly overwhelmed by the sudden crowd she and Ming Ming entered.

"Yup!" said the younger panda, "Festivals is fun!" She squealed, as they weaved between the crowd of happy, laughing pandas.

"You mean you have festivals all the time?" Klara gasped happily. Ming Ming nodded excitedly,

"At least twice a year!" The panda said with a large grin on her small muzzle. Klara felt impatient as they wandered between the food vendors. She wanted to see and do everything! The children arrived in front of Mr. Ping's little food station. The goose was serving fresh, hot, steaming noodles and tofu. Nearby, other panda cooks were passing out small plates and bowls of their own meals. They passed Po, who was mingling with the crowd and wearing a new festive tunic dyed dark green. Klara eagerly waved at the larger panda, who smiled and waved back.

Po was having the time of his life as well. He had been to plenty of parties and large gathering in the Valley of Peace, but none of them seemed as, well, as happy as these. The pandas seemed genuinely joyful. Like they had no worries, no cares, no fears.

And it was because they didn't!

A little worm of distress wiggled into Po's mind as he remembered Kai. Kai was still coming. He was not going to relent. But, unwilling to ruin a night with friends and family, Po cast aside that distress. His father could teach him later.

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