Finding Trust

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Just two hours after Milu, Lie Ren, and Ri Chu arrived at the Jade Palace, they set off for the panda village with Elena in tow.

Armed with a large chef's knife and maternal instincts, Elena had brought more than enough food for three others.

Milu, knowing he was not a proper fighter, only armed himself with a blue and grey shield he borrowed from the Training Hall, but he brought along as many medical supplies as he could. He ate well before they left. He knew he would need all his strength if he needed to use his chi during whatever awaited in the panda village.

Lie Ren was in charge of the map and guiding Ri Chu along the river. He had restocked his quiver in the Training Hall and grabbed a few throwing stars for good measure. He spent some time practicing with them until Ri Chu told him it was time to leave.

Ri Chu, already armed with her sword, didn't bother borrowing any equipment from the Training Hall. Instead, she just spent some time stretching and getting herself prepared for the journey.

The four set off towards the panda village. They sailed quietly, with Lie Ren and Ri Chu discussing the route. If the wind was with them for the entire journey, they could arrive at the base of the mountain in three days. The journey up the mountain might take another day entirely. That would be four days at the soonest. The two wolves didn't even talk about what the ETA would be if they sailed against the wind.

Elena stubbornly plopped down on the edge of the boat. "I should've gone with Po and Klara. Four days is too long. What if Kai already made it and he-"

"Kai isn't there. It'll be ok." Milu gently patted her shoulder, sitting down beside her, but he was careful not to sit too close to the edge, or else they risked the boat tipping. "Stop thinking these 'What Ifs'," He brought Elena's hoof to his lips, and he kissed it tenderly, "I know we will make it there in time."

She took a careful breath. "I hope you're right." She murmured, staring into the water, "For Klara's sake."

That night, as the moon was nearing its peak and the crickets and cicadas sang their nightly song, the four breezed towards the dock leading to the wolf village. Milu and Elena, who were asleep and snoring gently, were unaware of how Ri Chu slowed the sailboat. She and Li Ren gazed solemnly at the buildings, their tails and ears drooping.

They almost didn't notice the black-furred, golden-eyed wolf staring them at the edge of the dock until they nearly passed him.

"Wan!" Ri Chu was startled. Her look of surprise was slowly replaced with apathy, "Come to try and talk us out of helping the pack?" She huffed quietly, careful not to wake Milu and Elena.

"Actually, no." The black wolf was hardly visible in the night. Only his golden eyes glowing in the darkness made Ri Chu and Lie Ren aware of his presence, "I came to join you."

"What?" Ri Chu was visibly taken aback, but Lie Ren grinned,

"Well, what are you waiting for, hop in!" He cheered.

Ri Chu was quiet as Wan slowly clambered into the boat. The rocking of the boat shook Milu awake, whose arm was thrown over Elena. He raised his head, but- being a wapiti- his vision was not reliable in the dark. He looked around but spotted only three pairs of eyes- one a light amber, one a dark green, and one golden. Ri Chu turned to him and whispered quietly, "Milu, Wan will be joining us on our journey."

"Ok, good." The doctor grumbled sleepily, before gently laying his head back down and falling back asleep.

When the wapiti was snoring again, Ri Chu slowly turned to Wan, "Finally had a change of heart, did you?" Her voice wasn't hostile or demeaning, but she certainly wasn't warm and welcoming.

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