As Brothers

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Li Shan has arrived at the Valley of Peace! What will Po say, since he knows that he needs to master chi before Kai arrives? Let's read on and find out!



The sky in rural northern China was a brilliant light sapphire blue. There was not a cloud in the sky. A small gust of wind blew occasionally, offsetting the heat from the Gobi desert, which was on the horizon westward.

However, thunder rumbled. But it wasn't like normal thunder. It roared. It roared like a rampaging dragon. Lightning struck on the edge of a farmer's field. But it wasn't normal lightning. It was green, a horrid mix between a sickly pale green and a magnificent jade.

The lightning, instead of instantly dissipating with an electrical crackle, struck the ground and held on, like a leaf holding onto a tree in a monsoon. The ground around it became a singed black, killing the plants around it and ruining the once fertile soil. A ball of pure, green energy materialized on the ground. With every second, the ball of energy grew, until it was nearly as big as a building.

Two of the farmers, having caught sight of this strange ball of energy with lightning and thunder and the works, approached it cautiously. The first farmer, a cautious young goose, shook nervously as she approached the green ball of light. Her friend, a male rabbit, saw it and his eyes grew wide. The two of them trembled as a crater formed around the energy.

The explosion of energy began to fade. As the pair of farmers approached the edge of the crater, they saw a huge thing at the bottom of the crater. They stared at it in confusion when that thing started moving. The goose, realizing that this was not anything normal, gently nudged her friend, "We should go. I don't feel good about this." She whispered.

The bunny, being the slighter braver of the two, shook his head, "We should see what it is." He said, in awe. The bunny was about to slide down the crater to see what this thing was when it glanced up at the two. Jade green eyes bore into the bunny and the goose. They were unnaturally green. The two farmers froze. The goose felt her feathers stand on edge, "Oh my-" Without even finishing her sentence, she grabbed her friend by the paw and turned. The two of them ran as fast as they could.

But before they could get far, a sudden jade sword cut in front of them, blocking off their path. The two farmers skidded to a halt, holding each other in pure fear. Slowly, the two friends turned and froze at the sight before them.

The thing was now standing at the edge of the crater. He had enormous horns that branched above his head. His muscles were huge! Everything about him was huge, for that matter. He had long black braids that fell over his neck and onto his torso. He was holding two jade swords, which were broad and gleaming in the light.

His green eyes seemed to glow, despite it still being light out. He had a wicked smirk on his lips. As he approached the two farmers, the bunny began trembling, and the goose, against her will, laid a perfectly white egg.

The thing, which looked like an ox that had spent its entire life working out, approached the two of them.

"What is this place?" He asked, leaning down to meet their eyes. The goose lowered her gaze,

"M-My brother's farm." She answered, trembling. Her eyes were wide.

"Hmm." The ox said, looking around. His gaze drifted back to the farmers, "If I stepped on you, would you die?" He asked, his voice a low rumble.

At that statement, the bunny whimpered and grabbed the goose. The goose, already fearing for her life, laid another egg. And another. And another dozen. She felt like she would scream just out of fear of this thing. The rabbit beside her nodded quickly, "Y-Yes." He answered, his eyes wide.

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