The Final Trophy

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The spirit realm had never seemed more peaceful to Tai Lung. The soft grass tickled his feet as he walked, and a small gust of wind blew through his short grey fur. The large structures in the distance floated along in the distance. Tai smiled as he gazed around.

In front of him, Master Oogway was levitating off the ground. The tortoise was meditating.

"Greetings, Master!" Tai Lung called in a friendly tone.

The tortoise spun around slowly, "Ah, hello, Tai Lung." Master Oogway opened his eyes with a smile. The old tortoise slowly descended to the ground, delicately placing his scaly feet on the grass, "How are you today?"

"I'm good." The snow leopard said, "I didn't mean to disturb you. May I meditate with you?"

"Of course," Oogway said kindly.

"I want to levitate. Like you." Tai Lung said, with a slow flick of his tail.

"That will come with inner peace, my friend. You will learn in time, Tai Lung." Oogway said.

Tai Lung pursed his lips. He was patient- spending twenty years in an agonizing kneeling position might've helped- but how long would mastering inner peace take him? Would his ability to learn inner peace be hindered by his past?

"I'll try my best." Sighed the younger master. He sat cross-legged beside Master Oogway, placed his palms on his knees, and closed his eyes. Oogway followed suit. Soon the tortoise began to float on air, leaving the snow leopard on the ground. Tai peaked his eyes open and watched as the older master began to inhale peacefully,

"Inner peace..." Master Oogway hummed. Tai Lung took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, and tried to focus on his inner peace.

Tai Lung wasn't big on meditating, but it was a pastime he took up in the Spirit Realm. Tai Lung spent much of his time with Oogway, whether he was listening to one of the tortoise's stories from the mortal world, or meditating with him, or even sparring with him.

Sometimes the snow leopard would go and explore the great structures that floated harmlessly along in the realm. He would find other masters training or meditating. Tai Lung would make amends with them- many Kung Fu Masters heard and shunned his name. But, after explaining that that was in the past and Tai Lung has changed, they were eager to befriend him. Many wanted to spar, as his reputation as a formidable opponent was well-known in the Spirit Realm.

Now, however, it seemed too quiet. The Spirit Realm was never loud- it was always quiet for the masters who wanted to meditate- but now the dead silence was beginning to get to the leopard. The silence was downright unnerving. There was always someone training or sparring or doing something.

Something wasn't right.

Tai's small black ears twitched. He heard something. It was a scraping sound, like metal against stone. Then a thwip, as if something thin and metallic was being forcefully tossed into the air. Something like a sword. Tai Lung's fiery golden eyes flew open. "Now what?" Oogway asked, almost annoyed. A jade sword came flying towards the duo.

"Master Oogway! Watch out!" Tai Lung shouted. He leaped in front of the sword. Oogway's eyes flew open as Tai Lung caught the jade sword and, seeing the chain the sword was attached to, tugged on the chain. Tai Lung saw a large figure standing on an island in the distance.

The figure launched a second jade sword at Tai Lung. The leopard, with an angry roar, flung the first sword at the second, causing them to collide with a metallic twang. "Master Oogway, who is that?!" Tai demanded, gesturing towards the figure, who was reining in his two swords. He figured Oogway, being the literal founder of Kung Fu, would know everyone in the Spirit Realm; after all, only the most powerful warriors and Kung Fu Masters were welcomed in the Spirit Realm.

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