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Niall looked miserable at his show last night

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Niall looked miserable at his show last night. I don't know if the fans caught on to the fact that something was wrong, but I knew. And I knew I was the reason for it. I could tell he was trying his best. Physically he was there, singing and dancing around the stage, but his mind was preoccupied. To say that I feel guilty would be a major understatement.

Yesterday was a complete mess and it was my fault.

I lied to him and he saw right through me.

There's no denying that I screwed up. I should have just told him the truth and maybe this could have all been avoided. My impulsive nature took over and now look where we are.

I didn't tell my mother about what happened. She would have lectured me about how I messed everything up with the best person I've ever met. But maybe that was something I needed to hear. I needed someone to yell at me and ask me what the hell I was thinking.

Honestly, I could use one of her aggressive pep talks right now, but she went to sleep hours ago. She'd be more angry with me for walking her up at half-two than she would about me lying to Niall.

The hand holding my phone was already shaking, despite the fact that I hadn't done anything yet.

You're fine. Everything's fine. You're okay. It's okay.

Taking deep breaths, I whisper my affirmations over and over until I feel myself calm down.

Finally, without letting myself think about it too much, I press the call button.

Here goes nothing.

I turn my phone on speaker and set it on the nightstand next to my bed. I sit at the edge of my bed, as close to where my phone is as possible. I don't think I've ever been this nervous. My heart pounds in my chest while my stomach is busy doing circles.

The dial tone plays on a loop, echoing through my empty bedroom

We haven't spoken since yesterday when he called me. There was no text after his show. No good night text. No good morning text. I didn't have any missed calls, nor did I try and call him. I can't even be sure that he'll answer.

"Hey." He answers. He didn't sound like himself, he didn't sound happy.

Instantly I panicked, everything I told myself I wanted to say completely disappeared from my mind. All day I thought about what I was going to say to Niall, but now I can't even bring myself to remember any of it.

Finally, I muster up enough courage to barely speak a simple "Hi."

"Look, I..." He begins to say, but his voice falters.

Before he gets the chance to say anything else or hang up, I say, "Niall, I screwed up. And I'm trying to fix things."

"Listen Béa, I really don't want to do this right now." He tells me.

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