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"Wear this," Celina says, tossing me a metallic gold cropped tank top

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"Wear this," Celina says, tossing me a metallic gold cropped tank top. I pull the small article of clothing over my head and adjust the itchy fabric on my chest and shoulders. Looking at my reflection in the full-length mirror next to her bed, I can't help but admit that this top does look much better than the one I was originally going to wear tonight. Celina dramatically lets her jaw drop. "See, you looked cute before, but now you look hot!"

"Yeah, okay," I say, sarcastically nodding my head, which earns a look from her. She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head to the side, waiting for me to accept the compliment. I hate accepting compliments, they make me feel awkward. Celina knows that, and she always tries her best to help me become better at accepting them. "Thank you," I state, a small smile appearing on her face.

Tonight, like every other Friday night, we are going out. It's almost a tradition between us, to go out every Friday and Saturday night when we're together. Tonight was no different, except Celina insisted on choosing my outfit. She claims it's because she's working on her skills as an amateur stylist, but I think she has an ulterior motive. Perhaps she's more concerned with finding me someone to go home with tonight, which I'm not opposed to. Regardless, I'm not going to be the one to rain on her parade.

We don't spend nearly as much time together as we used to. Celina's modeling career took off and she's constantly traveling to different cities all across the world. So the times when we are together, we make the absolute best of it. As Celina would say, 'We're only young once.'

Celina goes out with the intention of finding a random hookup. I go out just to have fun and get drunk.

"I need to finish my makeup and we're outta here," Celina says, walking into her bathroom. She had some of her makeup already done, but she decided to stop halfway through to help with my "fashion emergency." It wasn't really a fashion emergency, she just didn't like the outfit I was wearing.

My phone began to buzz on the table next to Celina's bed. I reach over and pick it up, instantly regretting it when I see whose name is on the screen.

I groan. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"What?" Celina asks from the bathroom, turning down the volume on the speaker she was playing music through. Her head appears in the doorway and she leans into the room, "Who is it?"

"Cindy," I reply and she fake gags.

"Why is she calling you at 7:30 on a Friday?" Celina asks. Her guess is as good as mine.

"I don't know," I say, feeling the nervousness in my body. She hasn't talked to me in months and it doesn't make sense for her to be randomly calling me now. Something's wrong.

"Well, good luck with that." She says, stepping back out of view.

"So much for moral support!" I shout, my phone continuing to ring in my hand. Celina leans back into the doorway, her tongue out at me, and winks before disappearing back into the bathroom.

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