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This is a double update! Make sure to read Chapter 31 first!

As a teenager, I believed practically everything on celebrity news websites

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As a teenager, I believed practically everything on celebrity news websites. I used to think that everything they posted was the exact situation and context of whatever it was they deemed interesting enough or scandalous enough to post about. I believed it all until my name started appearing in them. Those news outlets know absolutely nothing in comparison to how things really are.

I wouldn't say that I was a public figure until I was first spotted with Niall. Yeah, I starred in one French movie, but hardly anyone outside of France has even seen it.

The first time the media sunk their claws into me was the first time I was out with Niall, back when we had barely just met and were simply friends.

How is it now that after we're broken up, his name still can't be brought up without mine also being mentioned?

Usually, I don't look too far into it. Everything in the media is a load of shit anyways, but with today's post, I hope that it is.

The headline "Niall's New Romance" is plastered across Daily Mail on practically every media platform they have. And of course, there are the pictures to go with it. Photographs of him and a girl walking together and holding hands are attached practically frame by frame.

I can't even bring myself to read the article due to its guaranteed obscurity, but I don't know how else to interpret these photos. They're clearly together, I mean, there are even a few photos of them kissing linked in the posts.

And although it has nothing to do with me, at the very bottom there's an old photo of Niall and I and there's no doubt that it has some stupid ominous caption to go with it.

He's moving on. Good for him.

This time I call Celina first, wondering if she's even awake yet. It's still rather early in the States, but that's never stopped her from knowing everything that's going on.

"Hey, Béa." She answers after only a few rings.

"Did you see?" I frantically ask her.

"Yeah." She answers, sounding completely shocked, "Are you okay?"

"I sort of have to be, right?" I answer, "I mean, I can't be mad at him, we're broken up. I don't like seeing him with other people, but there's nothing I can do about it."

"Have you talked to Shawn about it?" Celina asks, "He might know something about it."

"No, you were the first person I called." I tell her, "Cel, this sucks."

"Do you want to know something crazy?" She asks.

"Sure, what?" I responded.

"I know her!" She tells me and instantly I feel like a middle-aged mother wanting to know every single detail about the latest gossip.

"You know her?" I practically shout, not bothering to keep my voice down.

"Yeah!" Celina exclaims, "We've modeled together before. Her name's Gabrielle or something. And just so you know, we can still pin her as a villain, but she's so nice."

Celina fills me in on what she knows about the girl and tells me about their interactions when they modeled together. From what I've been told she's so nice and she's obviously pretty. Even if I wanted to hate her, which I don't it's practically impossible. I can't help but feel the tiniest bit sad. He's found someone who seems perfect, it just sucks that I wasn't that person for him.

"Will Niall be happy with her?" I ask

"Honestly," She softly answers, "I think so."

We eventually bid our goodbyes and ended the call after chit-chatting for far too long. I miss having Celina around and she says once she gets moved back into her flat in London she'll come out and visit, but her schedule ends up becoming busy and I'm left here with Mum and a couple of my hometown friends.

I could tell my mother was listening in on my phone call with Celina, not that I mind, it's just funny seeing her try to get me to bring it up so she can ask more about it. Eventually she just flat out asked me about it rather than beating around the bush. I did my best to fill her in on what Celina told me about her, but she had a million questions that I couldn't answer.

"You still love him, don't you." She asks as if it isn't blatantly obvious.

"Yeah," I answer, trying my hardest not to be sarcastic.

"Come here, love." She pulls me into one of her comforting mom hugs, while I try my hardest not to let myself cry. I haven't thus far, no point in starting now.

"I wish things were different," I tell her, tears threatening to spill from my eyes., "I wish we could have tried to work things out, but he's moving on. And that's okay, it just hurts to see."

Surprise! Three chapters in one week! Granted these last two were super short, I still think it's crazy that I'm finally writing again

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Surprise! Three chapters in one week! Granted these last two were super short, I still think it's crazy that I'm finally writing again. Things are going to be picking up here soon, there's only one more chapter until another time jump and I'm so excited.

Thank you for all your support. I love you all so much! Mwah!!

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