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As a child, I always cried whenever people left

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As a child, I always cried whenever people left. The tears would flow every time my grandparents went home after staying with us, or if Dad was leaving for a work trip for the weekend. Even if I had gone to a sleepover, I'd cry when Maman picked me up the next morning. Whether it was the concept of being separated from someone whom I had been close to within the past however many hours or the idea of saying goodbye itself, it always got me.

It was no different when Niall left last night.

I thought I'd outgrown it, but the second he kissed the top of my head and bid my goodbye for the night the tears began to fall. The emptiness in my stomach grew, and all I wanted was a hug from my mother and for Niall to come back.

I didn't sleep well last night at all. Overtook by the combination of nerves, but also Niall's absence, I barely slept. It will forever remain a mystery how I made it through the night, but those feelings lingered into this morning.

My brown eyes stare into those of my reflection in the bathroom mirror of the extremely overpriced venue we booked for today. Red-rimmed and tear-stricken eyes stared back at me, as my mind raced with unreasonable thoughts and fears.

"You're okay, Béa," I whisper to myself, "You've got this. It's going to be okay."

The sound of my faint whispers and deep inhales and exhales is the only thing filling the taunting silence of the room.

"Everything's fine."

And it is. Everything has gone to plan so far; Niall's here somewhere, the venue looks perfect, my hair and makeup are beautiful, and I love my dress. Everything's great.

Yet, it doesn't feel that way.

In a desperate attempt to release the nervous energy bundled up within my veins, I hold my hands up in front of me and shake them back and forth. In one swift motion, my hand smacks into my mimosa glass that sat on the bathroom counter and it falls to the tile floor. Shards of fine glass ricochet across the floor mirroring the explosion of emotions that suddenly boom in my chest.

"Béatrice?" Maman calls from outside the door. I can't respond.

My chest heaves and I don't feel like any air can get to my lungs. I'm not okay. I need to calm down but I can't.

The door opens and Maman takes in the disastrous scene in front of her. "Honey? What's wrong?"

I don't know what's wrong with me.

When I don't answer, she asks, "What can I do? Do you need me to get something?"

"Niall," I manage to sputter out.

"Okay," she calmly says, "Celina, can you..."

It feels like a century waiting for him.

Maman holds me while we wait for Celina to return with Niall, she's whispering different affirmations to me and I feel myself starting to calm down.

"Is she okay?" I hear Niall ask.

Maman lets go of me and I'm passed into the arms of the man I love. His arms instinctively wrap around my body and he presses comforting kisses against my forehead.

"I'm here," he whispers repeatedly, "You're alright."

My breathing remains deep as it starts to return to normal, my body listening to and mimicking the sounds of Niall's breaths.

After a few moments of silence, albeit my ever so slowly calming exhales, Niall asks, "What happened, Béa?"

"I'm not sure," I answer truthfully, "I guess I just got overwhelmed and started having a meltdown."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

I shake my head, "Of course not."

He lets out a sigh of relief.

"I guess I just needed to see you," I tell him.

"I love you."

"I love you," I smile, "Are you ready to do this?"

"I've been ready since the day I met you."

I playfully roll my eyes at him, "Shut up and go get ready."


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I wrote this in response to this prompt: Create a mood board of up to 10 images for one of your characters based on a single color, then write a short scene with the character inspired by the mood board

While it doesn't match the scene perfectly, I still enjoyed both making this mood board and writing this little scene inspired by Meltdown.

I had originally decided that I was going to quit writing, but I've been thinking about potentially writing something related to The Show once it's out. However, I'm not sure what I would even do or if it's even something people would want to read.

I've thought about writing a whole new fic surrounding the new album, but I also really want to continue writing Niall and Béa. I could do more bonus chapters or I could make a new book for one-shots inspired by The Show. Let me know if you'd be interested in reading that and what you think I should do.

Sending you all my love,


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