Part 1

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6 year old Keith hadn't talked for almost a week unless it was to snap at someone in the group home. He didn't like the fact that is was run by women, it terrified him, and everyone there was always trying to get him to play or talk to a therapist. He wasn't allowed to share a room with anyone per his social worker's request so every night he was shut away in a tiny, dark room that smelt weird all alone. He wasn't used to that. He was used to at least hearing the busy traffic outside and if his dad was home he'd hear the man snoring next to him. That was the only way he could sleep so for the past week he'd barely slept a wink which was taking a huge toll on his emotions. He was more snappy and short tempered than usual and any tiny comment could set him off beating the shit out of someone, regardless of who they are or what they said. That's what had happened to land him back in the back seat of his social worker's, Allura, car. He had given one of the much older boys a black eye, bloody nose and a broken arm. Allura had called a couple in advance, asking if they had space for Keith and luckily they had said yes. Allura had managed to get 2 simple words out of the boy when she asked him where he wanted to go. 

'No women.' He'd told her firmly and she complied. The couple was a gay couple with one other son only a few years older than Keith. 

"Do you want to stop off anywhere before we get there? Get some lunch or maybe some sweets?" Allura asked sweetly. Keith shook his head mutely, making the woman sigh. The rest of the drive was spent in silence and soon they were pulling into the driveway of a very sweet looking house. It was in a pretty secluded area, the front garden lined with trees and pretty flowers. There was a front porch with wind chimes and dream catchers strung up and the front door looked freshly painted. There were bikes, two larger ones propped against the railing of the porch and a smaller one left laying on the grass. The outside of the house was painted a pale blue and in every window there were different curtains, most pretty plain but one window with blue lions on them. Keith noticed two men sitting on the porch with a little boy on one of their laps. One of the men was broad and tall with black and white hair, stormy grey eyes and pale skin while the other was also tall but lean and had tanned skin, honey eyes and brunette hair with glasses perched on the tip of his nose. The little boy looked a bit older than Keith with big blue eyes, fluffy dark brown hair and tanned skin with one of his front teeth missing. 

"Hop out Keith. They won't bite." Allura smiled when she opened the car door for him and grabbed his back pack. Keith hesitated for a while before he slid out and his worn out converse hit the concrete beneath his feet. He looked sceptically at the people who had now stood up, the little boy having to be held back so he didn't jump on Keith out of excitement. 

"Hiya Keith. I'm Shiro and this my husband Adam and our son Lance. We're really excited to have you here." The broad man greeted once Keith was closer. Keith glared slightly at the man, his lips pressed into a tight line. Shiro sighed, they'd been warned he'd probably take a while to open up. 

"Why don't we go in eh? I know it's a nice day but I'm sure you don't want to be standing out here all afternoon." Adam suggested. They all nodded in agreement and made their way inside, Lance running in ahead of them all. The inside was all very large and clean, much different to what Keith was used to. There were pictures all along the wall and most of the corners on things had been baby proofed.

"We kept the baby proofing on incase we got a younger foster kid plus Lance kept hitting his head on things; still does." Adam explained while showing them the way to the livingroom. The walls were a soft cream with thick grey curtains on the windows. There was 2 large black sofas and a huge TV mounted on the wall above the fire place. There was a wall filled with books and in one of the corners there was a sort of tent with pillows and blankets and fairy lights. Keith was caught staring at it so Shiro knelt next to the boy with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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