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Micheal Wheeler and Eleanor Hopper had always been good children.

Polite in any way, kind in any circumstance and A-grade students in all subjects.

It had always been impossible to see them as otherwise...all until now.

All that was needed to prove the nosy neighbours of Hawkins town wrong, had been a shiny and silver-plated restraining tool.

Yes, handcuffs.

One simple pair would become a game-changer to the small grains of salt, that had remained of their dignity, after their almost shameful, secret and lust-filled continuous rendezvous.

Only partially shameful, because to the pair: there was nothing at all wrong with the lust they shared, as it allowed them to fulfil the daily, draining desire to touch one another, to drink the sight of one another, and to run their teeth against the scorching surface, of one another.

Currently, however, El's mind felt as if it had been clogged with the worst of mucous: whilst her knees were pressed painfully together against the hard wooden floor, eyes following the sinuous and bony fingers of non-other than Mike Wheeler.

She observed him as his white school uniform shirt, left his frame and withered to the floor next to her in a slow and painful motion: whilst his strong dominating gaze failed to lose her delicious sight.

With one minor stare, El could feel the heat in the core of her body, beginning to drip slowly out of her onto the wooden surface. A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, that had awaited his presence.

"Mike..." The girl managed to whimper, as she felt all of the pure goodness in her body being sucked away by that berating gaze of his, both literally with her dripping core and figuratively, with the innocence she had once held.

"Up." Was all the boy commanded, in response to her pathetic whimper of desperation.

The girl immediately did as she was told: she wasn't sure she could take any of his teasing punishments on this particular occasion.

She stood up swiftly: his face now ghosting hers in complexion: as they found themselves engulfed by the rich moonlight leaking through the motel window they had rented.

Mike found his hand at the base of El's school skirt, shifting gently upwards to his desired dessert. Grazing the thick soft skin of her bottom, all whilst nearing the burning goodness he desired.

Mike could hear the whines of El and see the way her knees gently buckled every so often as if about to give way from the insatiable pleasure she felt.

Mikes thumb and index finger found their way to El's throbbing location, which Mike could possessively say he owned.

He grunted as, even though the Lacy material of her red underwear he felt his fingers being coated in her ecstasy. He smiled a cynical smirk that outlined his lips greatly...he knew exactly what to do.

He removed his bony fingers from her juices and brought the dessert towards his full lips, he gently sucked the sweet treat, allowing his lips to glisten in the moonlight: even more tempting.

A short sound of protest left El's lips, but she was soon silenced as her eyes followed his enticing movements.

Mike twirled his fingers in the warmth of his mouth, making sure to swallow each drop of the icing he loved so much.

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