The twelve most nerve racking minutes of our lives.

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Reggie and Alex were standing outside the the garden they were supposed to be getting married to their fiancé's in. Their suits were all the same, black jackets, pants, a white shirt and overalls. The only difference was that they each had a different coloured tie, Willie's was green, Alex's was pink, Reggie's was red and Luke's was blue. Alma and Maggie were their mini bridesmaids, both wearing short poofy dresses, Alma's was pink and Maggie's was blue. The twins along with Lyra were flower girls, while Corey was the ring bearer.

The ceremony was twelve minutes away from starting. Alex had gone on a short walk with Alma to calm his nerves. The youngest four kids were waiting inside the church, and Maggie and Reggie were sitting on a bench. Reggie was panicking, he was worried that Luke was going to get cold feet and leave him at the alter humiliated. "Dad, papas not gonna leave you, he loves you way too much." Maggie tried her best to reassure her dad but it didn't really do much.

"I know he won't bub, but I can't help but panic at the thought that he might." He hated that he was sort of putting all this pressure on his twelve year old daughter. He was supposed to be the one helping her in stressful times but instead it was the opposite way around. "Dad, he's not like my mother. He'll never leave you, and even if he did I think uncle Alex, uncle Willie and grandma and grandpa would kill him. And so would I. Without hesitation might I add." That last part made Reggie chuckle, but he did feel bad when she brought up her deadbeat mother.

"You guys ready? It's time." Alex said as he and Alma returned. Reggie nodded his head, still very clearly nervous but was ready.

The first to walk up the aisle was Corey, then Emmy, AJ and Lyra, then Maggie and Alma, and finally Alex and Reggie being walked down the aisle by Mitch Patterson, the only fatherly figure the two had in their lives. Reggie hadn't  spoken to his family since Maggie was born, and Alex's family kicked him out and disowned him when he turned eighteen, so Mitch was the only "dad" they had in their lives. To make it even worse, they had always felt guilty that their kids only really grew up with half of their family, especially Reggie, since Luke wasn't her biological dad.

Luke and Willie were both crying as soon as they saw their fiancé's, it got to the point where Emily had to get up and hand them tissues to wipe away their tears. The ceremony was beautiful, everybody was crying, people were even laughing at the jokes the guys made during their speeches.

At the reception, Maggie pulled the four aside so she could give Luke a very special gift. They were sitting at a small empty table far away from the guests but still close enough so they could still keep their eyes on the kids (and Luke's very drunk parents). "I wanted to give this to you over here so nobody would interrupt." After Maggie said that, she handed Luke a brown envelope that had papa and a heart on it.

Luke excitedly but carefully opened it, not wanting to rip the piece of paper inside. He slowly lifted the paper out of the envelope, and as soon as he read the first few sentences he ran over to Maggie, collapsed onto his knees, cried and kept repeating "yes!" Over and over again.

"She's asking him to adopt her." Reggie smiled at Alex and Willie, wiping away his tears. Alex and Willie smiled back, they all felt so incredibly happy to witness this very special moment in Luke and Maggie's lives.

That next morning in their hotel room, Luke was still emotional and could not get over the fact that she asked him to adopt her and officially make her his daughter. "Okay, I know you're really happy over her asking you but come on there's only an hour left before breakfast is over and I am starving." Reggie laughed as he ushered Luke out of the room and down to the dining area where they ate breakfast with Willie, Alex, Alma, their kids and Luke's parents who had taken care of all of the kids for the night so the couples could have some "daddy alone time."

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