Unexpected News

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Lia's POV Asgard two days later

Oh, my head is killing me. Lia groans as she opened her eyes. Bad idea, too bright! Clasping her hands over her face, she closes her eyes tightly.

Her noises of discomfort alert whoever else was in the room. She could hear that person's quick foot steps coming her way. Instantly becoming alert for danger Lia squinted her eyes against the light so she can see as best she can. Jumping out of bed ready to defend herself once they were an arm length away.

"My lady, please get back into bed. You should be resting." A tall blonde woman says. She stops and holds up her hands showing Lia she means her no harm. Keeping her eyes on Lia she calls out to red haired woman that followed her. "Torvi, go get Prince Loki and notify Prince Thor that she is awake." At the mention of Loki, Lia relaxed enough to sit down on the bed. "My lady, my name is Solvi. I am a healer here at the palace. May I approach?"

She nods her head and closed her eyes in pain asking, "What happened to me?"

Solvi puts a cool hand on her forehead. Lia starts to feel some of her pain lessen. "I will let Prince Loki explain everything to you." Lia sighs in relief as she lets Solvi help her to lay back down to wait for one of them to get here. She doesn't have to wait to long before she hears his concerned voice.

"Aurelia, you're awake. Darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please, forgive me." Loki says as he rushes to her side taking her hand in his to kiss the back of it.

She gives him a weak smile. "Loki, slow down. What happened? I remember us sparing in the training yard. Then falling and then nothing."

He nods his head as she speaks sitting next to her on the bed. "Yes, we had been fighting very intensely when your foot slipped causing me to propell you farther than I intended. Your head hit one of the collums in the training yard." He gently touches a sore spot on Lia's head. "I've been so worried. It's been two days since you hit your head. I feared you wouldn't wake."

Lia grabs his hand and holds it to her cheek. "Ki, I don't blame you. Accidents happen when people spar, you know that. Minus the killer headache I feel fine." Loki's green eyes snap to Solvi's in surprise.

"I thought the news would be better received from a friend than a stranger, my prince." She tells him glancing at Lia and then back to Loki.
He nods and looks back to her as the healer steps a few feet away to give them a little privacy.

Lia looks at him in confusion. "What is it, Loki? You guys are starting to scare me. Did I get hurt worse than just a concussion? I feel fine, I swear."

He tries to calm her down. "No pet, nothing like that, but there is something I have to tell you." Loki pauses. She can feel the emotions warring within him as he struggles with whatever it is he has to tell her.

"While Solvi and the other healers scanned your body for injuries they found out you are with child. Three months along by their estimate." Lia sits there in stunned silence. That was not what she was expecting to come out of his mouth. It's not possible. It can't be.

"I'm on birth control. I mean, I know there's a small chance for pregnancy, but I made sure to get my shot on time every time. You're wrong. I can't be pregnant." She didn't realize she had started to cry until Loki gently wiped tears away with his thumbs as he cupped her face.

"Aurelia, my dear, you are indeed with child. I know you weren't expecting this kind of news since Captain Rogers and you are no longer together." He holds her hands in his, rubbing soothing circles on her inner wrists trying to keep her calm. "I want you to know that you are not alone in this whatever you decide to do. My family and I will help you. Father has assured me that you can stay as long as you want or I can take you home. Know that when you've come to a decision I will be there with you every step of the way. Wherever you go, I go too.."

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