Winter's reunited

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Bucky's POV Con't

It's been two hours. He was on their trail, but it was fading quickly. Whoever had taken Kat was getting smarter. Not by much, but enough to really start to piss him off. They'd ditched the getaway car and had taken another. Luckily Natasha had seen it happen and confirmed that they had a Katya with them. From the looks of it she was sedated. If they had hurt one precious hair on that little girl's head... They would be begging for death before Bucky was even halfway done with them.

"Keep heading down that road for another 4 miles and then take the access road on the left. We can't get a clear picture of what's down there, but I'm confident that's the way they went. There isn't anywhere else for miles that they could go without you seeing them." Maria relayed through the comm.

Bucky did as she told him. Following the windy back road only slowing down as he got to the access road she had told him about. He couldn't see much because of how dark it was, but he turned off the bike's headlight anyway and crept along at a snail's pace until he saw a building six miles from the main road. Hiding the bike in the trees Bucky stealthily made his way closer. He needed to scope out the building to see what he was up against. Bucky softly called out details to Natasha and Maria to see if they couldn't find more on what was out here and who owned the building.

"Looks like it's owned by some company called Crimson Sparrow. The owner of said company is one, Henri Richelieu, a French national. FRIDAY is searching for all of the dirt on this guy now." Natasha tells him.

After he's made a full sweep of the grounds he finds a hidden place to wait. Whoever these people were they are armed to the teeth. There was easily forty men constantly roaming the grounds fully outfitted with what looks to be Heckler & Koch mp5's and H&K vp 9's .

"Romanoff, gonna need backup. There's at least 40 hostiles outside. Unclear how many inside." He whispers into his comm as two men walk underneath the tree he's perched in. He wants Steve to be by his side, but he knew he'd be blinded by emotion and he needed to be there for Lia. As much as he hates to take this decision away from his best friend he needs to. "This needs to be done silently so Kat doesn't get hurt. I want you and Barton. No one else. Don't tell Steve or Tony." He knew she would understand his reasoning and wouldn't fight him on this.

"Got it. We're 30 minutes out." She let's the other woman take over comms. Maria starts giving him the layout of the building and possible places they might be holding Kat.

"Barnes." She calls out ten minutes later.

"Go ahead."

"Richelieu had ties to Pierce. Unclear how far he was involved with Hydra, but based on his taking Katya, I'd say pretty damn involved." Her voice remains steady, but it's tinted with emotion. Everyone cared for Katya and no one wanted her in the hands of people like Richelieu.

"Got it. Let Romanoff and Barton know. We'll need an information sweep if we can. I want this asshole and everyone he's connected to to go down. They can change their name if they want to, but it's still Hydra. No more two heads bullshit. We take them all out."

"Roger that, Sergeant." The line goes silent.

He'd felt anger at Kat being taken, but now Bucky felt absolute rage coursing through him. Hydra was always fucking coming along to ruin his god damn life! They took him. They took Lia and now they'd taken Kat. Enough was enough! He would hopefully get to her before they did any lasting damage to his Sweetpea. Katya was purely innocent. The most beautiful soul he'd ever met and he would die to protect her without hesitation. If he needed to exchange himself for her, he would do it. Anything to get her away from Hydra.

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