Requiem of an Angel

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Steve's POV Con't..

Feeling a little better, Steve opened his bedroom door and headed down the hallway. Taking a deep breath he started making his way downstairs to find Lia. Halfway down the steps he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him at the sight of her waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Lia.. you look so beautiful." He breathed out a sigh as he stepped down the last few stairs to get to her. Lia shyly smiled her thanks as she straightened out the skirt of her silver dress.

 Lia shyly smiled her thanks as she straightened out the skirt of her silver dress

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"Ready?" Lia asks as her eyes skimmed down over his body. Taking those last few steps towards her made her look up into his eyes. Her breathing had quietly picked up a little and Steve could just faintly hear her heartbeat pounding faster in her chest at his approach.

"With you? Always." Taking her hand in his, Steve brushed a kiss across her knuckles. Lia's lips parted as her eyes flicked between his and his mouth before he let her hand go. He watched as her pupils started to expand when he had unconsciously licked his lips. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her, but before he could even decide if he was going to close the gap between them, she snapped back into herself.

Taking a deep breath, Lia stepped back towards the door. "Right. Uh, let's go."

Picking up her keys she put them in the silver clutch that matched her dress. Lia grabbed her matching wrap and walked outside without waiting for him. He mentally gave himself a small pep talk. Patience, Steve, we've got all night.

He didn't want to scare her off. She might love him and want him, but that didn't mean that she was ready to jump back in right away. Tonight was about getting her to admit she wasn't really with Fandral and gaging where she stood with him. God he hoped she wanted to be with him. That's all he's wanted for the last almost four years.


The drive was quiet. Steve could tell Lia was way too inside her own head so he put on the radio. Shifting through the stations until he found something he knew she liked. Lia glanced over at him with a small grateful smile and turned the music up as he drove them to the Northwest Ballet.

In no time they had arrived and he had the car parked. Helping her out of the car, Steve kept her right hand in the crook of his elbow and helped to make sure that she didn't trip on her dress as they made their way up the stairs outside to the front of the building.

 Helping her out of the car, Steve kept her right hand in the crook of his elbow and helped to make sure that she didn't trip on her dress as they made their way up the stairs outside to the front of the building

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