14. High School

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-3 Months Later, After Summer-

"So, are you ready for your first day of high school, tomorrow?" Sophia's mother stood in front of her, getting things ready for work tomorrow morning.

"No. I mean, uh, I don't know."

She said, "You're nervous. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"I'm not...nervous. I'm just...I don't know. Am I really ready for high school? I mean, I'm only 15."

She rolled her eyes. "Sophia, we go through this every school year. You're ready, you'll be fine, you'll make friends, all that good stuff. You're not a kid anymore, you'll be fine. And anyway, you'll have Jake to keep you company, right?"

She looked away from her. "N-No. He's not going to Panmore High. I'm not gonna have anyone."

Her mother paused for a second before saying, "Oh... Well, um, you'll be fine. I know it."

Sophia nodded, doubtfully.

She got off the bed and said, "I think I'll call him. See how he's doing."

Her mother laughed, "You were just at his house a few hours ago. Don't you already know how he's doing?"

"Well, I don't know. Do you think I'm annoying him? Maybe I shouldn't call."

She said, "No, go ahead. Get as much time together as possible. You won't see each other as much after tomorrow." She nodded and walked away.

Under her breath, she said, "Thanks for reminding me." She went into my room and shut the door.

She grabbed her phone from her bed and began calling. The line rang only once, then connected. "Hey."

She said, "Hey. I just wanted to uh...talk. Or something."

He laughed a little, "Well, I'm just getting stuff ready for tomorrow, so sure. What's up?"

"Um... Pretty much doing the same thing... I really don't wanna do this alone."

"You won't be alone. You have a whole school of people to meet. You don't need me there. You'll be fine."

"Well, can I come to your house after or something? We can say how our first days went?"

He smiled, "Sure. That sounds pretty good."

"Okay. Oh! Remember to find your ROR, okay?"

He said, "Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I have to remember to do that. Okay, I will."

She smiled and said, "Yay! I'll probably be in mine a lot. Maybe. I don't know."

He said, "I hope not. There'll be tons of new people to meet. Promise you'll at least try to make one friend before hiding in there all the time."

She said, "Well, if it make you happy, deal."

He smiled, "It totally does."

"Okay, well, I gotta go. I need to get an outfit ready and stuff."

"Alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow after school."

She said, "Okay, see you then." She took the phone from my ear and hung up.

Maybe high school will be better.

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