30. Yet Another Thing To Worry About

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It looked like a normal party. Normal in the sense that most high schoolers have parties like that, not in the sense that it wasn't completely dysfunctional. Or at least, not her idea of fun. Before they had walked in, Jake put his hand on her hip and they walked in just like that. Right as they did, all they could smell was smoke and alcohol and because of the smoke, it was a little hard to see everything. Who even knew what all was happening with everyone in that room. She actually didn't care, and neither did he. They just wanted to see what was up and get out.

"Okay," he said, "how about I go through, find Adam, and just keep him busy, then you can just lay low for a while. He won't be anywhere near you. And I'll just text you or something while I'm with him. That way you know what's up."

Ugh, but then I have to be alone in this place, she thought. "Fine. I guess. But make sure nothing happens to you."

He smirked. "What could to happen to me?" he said as if he was some kind of invincible creature.

She rolled her eyes. "Just go."

He chuckled. "Okay, but does this mean that I get a heavy makeout session when I come back?"

She laughed. "Shut up and go before I hit you."

He grinned and said "I take that as a yes." before walking backwards into the almost-spaced-out crowd until she couldn't see him anymore.

He turned around, looking everywhere for Adam. After a few minutes, he finally found him by a table full of 2 liters, different cans of soda, and a huge punch bowl filled with something that didn't exactly look like punch. Before he could even think of what it might be, Adam had seen him there and started calling him over. "Jake? Hey, Jake! Come over here! I wanna talk to you!"

He walked over hesitantly, to see Adam and three other guys who he never bothered learning the names of. The other guys were all either drunk or buzzed, but Adam was completely sober. Or at least he seemed like it. He kind of wondered how the other guys would all get home, but realized that they, like idiots, would probably just drive home.

"So," Adam said, "Jake Short. At my party. I was hoping you'd be here. I wanted to tell you something about your girlfriend. Or I wanted to say something to her, but... Did she make it?" Jake just said, "Uh..." That's all he could say.

Adam went on, "I remembered where I knew her from. But she probably already told you. And before you say anything, know that I'm not too bad a guy. I have regrets. I'm sorry about some things. And I just wanted to tell her. I had Brian here investigate for me and I found out her name and address. Of course, I figured she'd bring you. So I thought I could get some things done and have a little fun with my friends at the same time. She's in here somewhere, isn't she?"

"Look, I appreciate your gesture and everything, but she doesn't trust people that easily. I honestly don't know if she'll believe you. Plus, that one thing caused so many things to happen to her. In a way, you almost killed her. A few times. I don't want to make you feel guilty or anything, but I think we should just keep her away from you. I will tell her what you said, though. Maybe it'll go across better if she hears it from me."

Adam just nodded, then went back to his usual, partying self when he said, "You want anything to drink? You could take something to her, too, if you want."

Jake said, "Um, you have stuff without alcohol, right? Like a Coke or something?"

Adam laughed, "Yes! Who do you think I am? Brian, Coke, please." He snapped his fingers and Brian - who was a now very drunk boy with very light - almost blond - brown hair - grabbed a Coke from a big pack of them and popped open the can. There was a few seconds of waiting after it was opened before it got passed to Jake.

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