[chapter title two, electric boogaloo]

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Chapter 2: [CHAPTER TITLE]

(Wait, how the heck do they get in without getting caught? HOW?!?!?)

(smash window maybe?)

(they get in)

(THEY FIND COOKIE AND THEY ARE HAPPY, and he got a cyborg arm and its pink)


Red is suddenly yanked away, and someone turns the corner. It was her. The embodiment of Binjpipe herself. Binj.

She had hot pink artificial hair, her plastic body painted in a pastel fuchsia, shaped to resemble a dress. Her face was made up of metal plates, and her eyes glow pink. Behind her on her back are long metal tendrils that were holding onto Red. They clamp tightly around his wrists, ankles, and neck, strangling and suspending him. He thrashed wildly, trying to free himself from its grasp, swearing under his breath. Red was the strongest person Schmitty knew, so seeing him try and fail to escape terrified him. She lets go of Red's neck, ankles, and left wrist, him dangling from his right. Schmitty was shaking with apprehension. She throws Red against the wall hard, and Red lets out a pained scream. Schmitty had never heard him scream like that before. He was petrified. Cookie was the one who made the first move, grabbing Red's switchblade that fell out of his pocket when he was thrown and taking Schmitty's hand, bolting for the door.

"It's too dangerous. We can come back for him later, we need to move!" Cookie said, knowing that Schmitty wouldn't want to leave Red behind. Binj, noticing that they are trying to escape, chased after them, leaving Red on the floor, his body in too much pain to get up. They run through the door into the parking lot. They get back into Schmitty's car and step on the gas like their lives depend on it, as it pretty much did.

Out of breath, the adrenaline still pumping, Cookie, between heavy gasps, said "So... wh... where now?"

(Schmitty suggests red's hotel)

(cookie didn't know about the hotel, as it happened after party pack 5, when Binjpipe n' stuff happened)

(they drive to the hotel)

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