[this one's even more segmented lol]

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(In the hotel, and, yeah, so, cool nice blah blah whatever. just read the thing damnit)

"Is that... Cookie? It is! Long time no see, Masterson!"

"Jack! Hey Hey Hey!" Cookie exclaimed, finger gunning, before embracing the man in a half bro-hug half handshake.

"Who- Do you know this guy, Cookie?" Schmitty said, confused.

"Hell yeah, I do! Schmitty, this is Jack Cake. Jack Cake, this is Schmitty. He was the host of the British version of YDKJ! We go waaay back! He used to fly over here about once every half-year or so and we'd go bar-hopping together! Those were the times..."

"Hey, remember that one bartender lad during Christmas? Y'know, the antler guy?" Jack said, leaning in.

"Anybody want antlers?! We got antlers! Aaaanybody want antlers!" Cookie said, supposedly mimicking an inside joke that only they would get. They snickered amongst themselves, as Schmitty wandered away to see who else was there.

(Schmitty, while wandering off, finds Buzz Lipman, in a bar, with a glass of whisky, )

(Schmitty asks where Nate is)

"Nate..." someone mumbles from behind the two, sitting at the hotel bar. It took a few seconds for Cookie to find the voice's location but knew almost instantly that it was Buzz Lippman. The second and least popular of the hosts. Cookie mutters something to Jack, before walking towards Schmitty.

"Nate's... Nate's gone, Schmitty. He's... been gone for 'bout a few months" his hand quivers slightly as he takes another sip of his drink. His speech is slurred, and Schmitty can tell the glass in his hand is not the first he's had today. He looks Cookie in the eyes, before saying "He tried to save you, y'know? But..." his head lowers and he takes another sip. "....She got to 'em first. I-I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. You... You hated both of us, and Nate knew that too, but he still tried." Buzz gets up and stumbles a bit, before steadying. He approaches Schmitty. "H-How dare you to be the one to win this.. this game? You both despised me and Nate! Especially me! You and the rest of your l-little host crew despise me! Y-You mocked me constantly! I'm sick of being mocked by you!" Buzz yelled, anger in his voice. He takes a deep breath and takes another sip of his drink, sitting back down. "Why a...am I the one that h-has to... lose p-people I care about..." He holds his head in his hands, half-sobbing, his speech even more slurred than before.  Schmitty walks backward, his face contorted with shock, unable to say a word. Cookie steps forward, slamming Red's black switchblade on the table next to Buzz.

"Red is captured and injured. We need to act, or he's going to end up dead. We need all the help we can get to get him back, or he will die. We're going back there tomorrow, along with as many other hosts here as possible. Are you coming or not?" Cookie said, trying to mask his anger, his voice glitching and cracking slightly, like a broken radio or scratched CD.

"Red... Damnit..." Buzz mutters to himself, gently holding the shiny black switchblade. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Fine! Fine... I'll help... and that ain't the drink talkin' either. I actually want to be useful to Red for once. It's about time I pay him back for all he has done for me..."

"We're all going to discuss the plan over diner tonight. Don't miss it." Cookie said, sounding a bit more relaxed, the audio crackles toning down to light white noise. Buzz responded with a nod, and turned back around, facing away from them. 

How The Cookie Crumbles (Jackbox) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now