Chapter 16

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Shahrukh, Rani and Amira were in Kajol's room in the hospital, all in their pajamas, she fainted because of the hunger strike she was having. Shahrukh was leaning his head to her bed and holding her hand silently.

'so, uncle didn't know about the rehab thing?' Amira asked sadly

Rani nodded in denial 'no, and he mustn't know about it' she replied

'no, he must, he has to stop Poja from what she is doing, she is taking decisions as if uncle isn't here or has no opinion about anything. She is taking benefits of him wanting to not destroy their marriage but this is cruel; everyone is getting hurt' she whined

'I think this is not a suitable time to talk about anything' Rani said blaming and gesturing to Shahrukh so Amira stopped talking 'don't worry, I talked to the doctors and they told me she will be okay' Rani said to Shahrukh reassuring and patted over his shoulder

Amira's phone started chiming; she took it out of her pocket and went out of the room. Rani kneeled in front of Shahrukh 'I will get you coffee and something to eat, okay' she said kindly but he nodded in denial still covering his face from her, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders 'you need to take care of yourself, she won't be happy when she wakes up and finds you like this, she will feel worried; and for your sister too, you need to get yourself together, please'

He sat up and wiped his face 'okay' he said sniffing

'go and wash your face and I will get us some breakfast' she said and stood up, he also did and walked towards the bathroom

Abhishik waved at Amira when she entered the cafeteria in the hospital 'hey' he said when she sat down

'I am ready' she said confidently

Kajol opened her eyes slowly and looked around her, saw Shahrukh leaning his head to the edge of the bed with his face to her; but his eyes were closed. She gently passed her hand over his hair. He flinched and opened his eyes, when he looked at Kajol, tears formed in his eyes; he held her hand and kissed it strongly. Kajol faintly pulled him closer to her; he closed his eyes and kissed her lips.

Rani cleared her throat when she came in with coffee cups and some breakfast, Kajol smiled shyly and bit her lower lip and Shahrukh pulled back feeling annoyed 'come to eat' she said to Shahrukh 'I will call the nurse for you Kajol'

'no, I don't feel like eating anything now' Kajol said in a low voice

'Kajol that's enough, what do you want to do to yourself more?' Shahrukh asked in boredom

'later Shahrukh, she needs rest' Rani said blaming when she was placing everything over a table in front of the couch

'no, I need to leave. I hate hospitals' Kajol whined

'at least not today Kajol, you need to be taken care of' Rani said and Kajol blew

Shahrukh helped Kajol sit up and sat in front of her at the edge of the bed silently 'what's wrong?' Kajol asked when his face changed

'you are sent to the hospital twice because of me' he said sadly looking down

Kajol rolled her eyes 'Shahrukh please don't say that, you have nothing to do with this'

'if I wasn't in your life...'

Kajol interrupted 'it would be miserable Shahrukh; I can't live without you, okay? Now go and eat'

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