Chapter 28

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'How are the writing classes going so far?' Arjit asked it was him, Kajol and Poja only at the dining room for lunch

'They are going extremely good' Kajol said in delight 'I didn't know that I really needed them'

'Hearing this makes me very happy' Arjit said with a big smile

'It was mom's idea' Kajol said calmly 'she advised me to join one'

'Really? That's great' Arjit said happily

'don't you remember her essays at school, she was the best' Poja said proudly

'I always wanted to pursue a career in writing, and here I am. I won't be just giving attention to house issues after marriage'

'That's great' Arjit said happily

'It is the first time we have lunch together since a very long time, don't you notice that?' Poja asked

'Yeah, Rani and the kids went to see Preity, and Shahrukh is going to be late at work' Arjit said when he realized that it was only the three of them 'just like old days' he said and held both Kajol and Poja's hands

'And Kajol will be marrying very soon, she will be busy having lunch with her husband and she will forget all about us' Poja said smiling at Kajol then looked at Arjit 'isn't it?' she asked and Arjit smiled happily, Kajol faked a smile and continued eating silently.

Kajol jumped in the pool, she thought that swimming will be a good idea to calm her down and make her stop thinking. From outside, everything looked perfect; Shahrukh isn't angry with her, she is living her best life and preparing for her wedding with the man she always loved, her mom isn't making any tricks or plans anymore, but that wasn't the truth. Shahrukh's kindness, the wedding preparations, her mom who is acting cool and her fight with Saif; everything was suffocating her. What mattered more was Shahrukh who was ignorant of what she knows, she was sure that he won't be acting very kind and he would leave for real if he knew what she was hiding, but at the same time; the feeling of guilt was killing her and not letting her enjoy the so called; the best days of her life.

'Anarkali told me that you want me to come to the roof' Shahrukh said panting when he reached Kajol

'Yes, I need to talk to you' Kajol said and sat down and so did Shahrukh

'Is everything okay?' Shahrukh asked feeling worried when he sat opposite to Kajol

'Shahrukh I...'

'Are you postponing our wedding?' he asked suddenly

'Shahrukh stop interrupting me please' she said calmly

'Okay, sorry. Go on'

Kajol exhaled heavily 'I have been doing something that you don't have the slightest idea about and I couldn't keep it from you for anymore'

He narrowed his eyes 'what is it?' he asked feeling suspicious

'I have been looking for your sister lately, and I really couldn't find her anywhere, I went to Jaya and I knew from her that you were looking for her too but Jaya didn't really help you'

He sighed then smiled 'That's why you were looking sad and stressed the previous few days?' he asked calmly

'yeah' she nodded 'why did you stop looking for her? And why didn't you tell me that you were doing so?'

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