Chapter 18

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Kajol blew in anger when she looked at her phone knowing that the time passed the afternoon and Shahrukh hasn't woke up yet. She pushed away her books when she was sitting at her desk. She wanted to wake him up but Rani stopped her and told her to let him wake up alone.

Preity had already left and Rani was busy with her kids. Kajol kept twirling a lock of her hair around her finger, while she was all alone; Preity's words jumped to her mind 'damn it Preity, don't play with my mind' she said shaking her head and kicking away those thoughts.

She thought about her relationship with Shahrukh, cousins, friends, more than friends then love. Kajol knows that she wants to marry Shahrukh in the end and she has dreamt of that, but Preity's question made her really think about her dreams; would they come true?

'okay enough' Kajol stood up and said to herself. She walked towards the door and went out of the room. When she reached Shahrukh's room, she opened the door without knocking. She came in and found that he was still asleep, she tiptoed to his bed and sat at its edge.

Kajol just kept looking at Shahrukh who was deeply sleeping, not sensing what is going around him or what time it is. She stayed like that for a while then she gave up the idea of waking him up.

"am I even ready for him waking up?" a question popped up in her head. The whole thing was like an episode of a weekly serial, you wait for the whole week sitting at the edge of the chair waiting for the next episode and its events, but what was different that serials don't turn our lives upside down even if the events in it were shocking. She wished her life was a serial, she could turn off the tv anytime or even stop watching the whole thing and look for a comedy film in another channel. "would she be ready for the next events?" another question popped up in her head. Kajol suddenly ran away from the room and she wasn't sure why she did this.

'you finally remembered your dad?' Arjit asked sarcastically, Kajol came into the living room where her father was sitting alone and looking at some papers 'I think I will take care of the work until Shahrukh feels better' he said

Kajol sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him 'I know you are angry with me'

'not only you, all of you' he said still fixing his eyes on the papers

'I am so sorry, don't be sad' she said and pouted; still holding him but he nodded in denial 'okay, Rani and Shahrukh will apologize too' she said consoling

'you all have been very bad; I am so angry with you. You keep acting crazy and you all take stupid decisions'

'yeah, I know. I am really sorry' she said and kissed him then he smiled 'can I ask you a question?'

'yes beti'

'are you really proud of what she did?'

'I didn't say that and by the way your cousin has a name' he said kindly blaming

She pulled back 'if it is not for Shahrukh, it is for me. Even though I defended her; I am angry with her. How could she leave us like this?'

Arjit sighed 'okay. She is the only one who could break your mother's control'

'and Shahrukh's heart broke too' she said sadly

'I don't agree with what she did and I admit it was wrong, yet it was the only solution to remove Abhishik from the picture' he said calmly explaining

'I wish there was other way out, or she could even wait a little bit after the exams' she said sadly and he shrugged

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