Episode I - The Phantom Menace : 1

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Adalin JiUvainnn- is a half human and half Noorian, former Jedi Knight. The Jedi Masters allowed her to leave the Jedi business, allowed her to explored the galaxy. They allowed her to do many things. The Jedi Masters told her before she left very vague words. "You will be guided back to us" They said. Adalin dislikes thinking back on those words because of how vague they are. She could be guided back to them anytime by any source, it's extremely unpredictable.

Two and a half standard following her leave, she traveled to Tatooine to be with her adopted family. Adalin's family would always tell her that she's special but she never believed anyone. She was just the girl whose family abandoned her. Adalin doesn't know why they left her or who they are, she was they're only child. She can barely where she lived prior her adoption. Adalin's family left her when she was 3.

Adalin is now 25 standard, she finished her Jedi training when she was 19. She rarely uses her lightsaber anymore. The only time she even thinks about using it is when she trains. No matter what, she wants to stay as skilled as she has always been. Either then that, her lightsaber stays in a drawer in her room or on her person, just in case. Adalin's adopted family, Shmi and Anakin, are slaves to the huts. She isn't, she wishes every minute to be able to free them but she can't.

Now, the dark haired woman begins to wake as a boy with blonde hair comes running into her room. Just like every other day.

"Adi! Adi, wake up!" He yells, jumping onto her bed.

"I'm up. I'm up, Ani" She grunts, sitting up. "What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast!" Anakin grins. Adalin shakes her head, fondly with a faint sigh.

"All right. Let me get dressed and I'll come eat" She tells him with a tired smile. He nods quickly before jumping off of Adalin's bed and running out of the room.

She grabs a pair of light sand colored leggings that stand out on her rich tan skin color. She slips on the leggings and throws on a few layers of other sand colored clothing. Adalin wraps a sand scarf around her neck and shoulders in case she'll need it today. She draws her knee high sand boots onto her feet after braiding her hair into a braid. Before leaving her room, Adalin carefully grabs her lightsaber from her drawer. She attaches it to a clip under the layers of clothing then leaves for breakfast.

Adalin sits down in the empty seat next to Anakin, as she always does in the morning, and begins to eat. Adalin eats quickly as Anakin needs to get to Watto's shop soon. Even though she is not a slave, she helps Anakin at Watto's workshop. Adalin has a certain talent at fixing droids, pod racers, and other machine and robotic things like that.

Adalin trudges over to the door to wait for Anakin to finish. Anakin quickly finishes and meets her at the door.

"Ready, Ani?" She asks.

"Yup!" He exclaims. The two grin and start a race over to Watto's. Adalin, of course, allows Anakin to get there first.


The feeling of Force presences immediately catches Adalin's attention as the two arrive at Watto's shop. One is strong, focused and powerful, like a Master Jedi. The other is strong as well but it's not as focused and controlled as the other, like a well taught Padawan. Adalin sucks in a sharp breathe at the familiar feeling she hasn't felt in years. Anakin looks over to his older sister.

"Are you okay, Adi?" He asks, innocently. Adalin forces a smile and looks down at him.

"Of course I am, Ani" She answers with as much honesty as she can give. Obviously it's not enough since Anakin looks at her with a wary and concerned expression. "I'm all right, Ani. I just had a feeling" He looks up at her with wide eyes full of awe. Concern is still in his eyes, but shrugs it off as he begins to work around the shop.

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