henshiners s2 episode 19 revenge of vrolens

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Tony and the others are running towards the safe area

Destroyzers: damn Tony's running away !!!!

Destroyzers throw bombs

And managed to drop

Hasan Kevin Adzmi Ibnu Yusuf and Udin Johnson

Steven: damn our henshiners fell!

Tony is left behind and the destroyzers shoot Tony's body
Tony bounced off

Destroyzers: feel this !!!!!!!

Tony: ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Nadia: tony !!!!!!

Steven: hey tony !!!!

Ciko: Tony !!!!!

Steven: call the medical personnel now !!!!

Nadia: Tony wake up tony !!!!!!!

The henshiners belonging to the Indonesian military were revived and immediately attacked the destroyzers

Indonesian military as well as henshiners
Attack destroyzers

Destroyzers: damn you all dare to play gangbang

The Destroyzers fled

Kevin: damn he ran away!

Christian dad: be patient sir tony

Tony's dad: No way

Tony's father cried because he saw his son die

Christian Ciko burst into tears
Tony's grandfather was crying

Tony's father: I'm sorry mom
I can't save our child
Our child has a fate like you

All methods have been done but Tony remains unconscious

Nadia: hey why don't you realize tony !!!!!

Suddenly Tony entered his subconscious mind

There are lots of rocks

And he saw that there were tarus and serous
Her brother's jetnous durtas vrolens dyson

Tony: hey guys!

Tarus: introduce my name is tarus
And this is my serous sister

Serous: hi

Tony: hahh !!!!

Tarus: You are in your subconscious
You were injured by being shot by destroyzers

Serous: That's right

Tarus: Antony Surya I will pass on neo cybers energy to you
Later generate dyson with that energy!

Tony: huh? !!!!

Tarus: only people who have a kind heart and the most passionate soul can inherit neo cyber energy
You are the chosen one

Tony: well I'll inherit it

Serous: but be careful that energy doesn't fall into the hands of the vrolens

Tarus: that's right
If it falls into the hands of the vrolens the earth will be destroyed
Remember my words!
This neo cyber energy is the greatest strength
The Vrolens had always wanted this
I want you to solar antony
Generating dyson and fighting with dyson and defeating vrolens
I've seen the future with the power of neo cyber energy
The one who will bring you peace is you, Tony

Tony: well I'm ready to inherit!

Tarus: I trust you, Tony!

Neo cyber energy has been passed down to Tony and Tony to rise again

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