henshiners s2 episode 3 new problem

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Jakarta 08:00

Military headquarters

Soldier 1: Mr. Steven this is bad !!!!!

Steven: what's wrong ????

Soldier 1: The energy shard of the durtas was stolen by the enemy

Steven: what !!!!!!!!!

Hasan: What's wrong Roger?

Steven: So the energy that the durtas had was stolen

Durtas: Whaaaaaaaat ????  This will be bad
I have 2 energy fragments
And one was stolen

Steven: hah 2?  Where is the other one?

Durtas: hey hasan I left it with you where is it now ?????

Hasan: Ah I gave it to Christian

Durtas: what aaa !!!!!!!

Nadia tony kevin ibn adzmi yusuke was in the military canteen

Nadia: eh ton jafar asep rizki ridho where did he disappear?

Kevin: I heard from commander Steven that they're all on duty overseas!

Nadia: waah

Tony: well I heard that too

Steven: you soldiers are in a dangerous situation !!!!

Tony: what's up !!!!!!

Steven: Durtas' crystal fragments have been stolen. Most likely the strong enemy that you fought in Jakarta at that time might come back to life !!!!

Tony and friends: haaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!

Beautiful housing

That's where the Christian house is

Christian: mom I'm home

Mrs. Chris: Hey Chris come on in

Chris rested a few hours
And Chris has finished resting and chatting with his mother

Christian: hey mom why did you call me?  Why are you telling me to take a day off?

Mrs. Chris: Chris Mamah wants you to stop being a military force

Christian: but mah christian

Mrs. Chriss: Mamah would rather see you be a bad boy like to get drunk when you are in the military
You know that being a military has to sacrifice yourself?  Mamah doesn't like that later Mamah tells your dad to keep you away from military territory

Christian: mah why this mom

Mother Christian: shut up

Christian: ah shit why is my mom like this

Sfx: there is a telephone, there is a telephone

Christian: huh a call from my darling?
Hey baby what are you doing calling me?

Chris's girlfriend: Anu Chris I heard that you took a leave from the military first

Christian: yes yes, my mother told me to forbid me to become a soldier

Chris's girlfriend: your mom is weird haha

Christian: yes haha ​​oh yes you can come here if there is an important situation

Chris's girlfriend: hmm ok I'll go there

Christian girlfriend went straight to christian

Chriss girlfriend: hey chris

henshiners s2 great war in egpyt English versionWhere stories live. Discover now