henshiners s2 special episode 1

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This is an additional episode
And this episode is really special made by me

The timeline for this episode is
After tony defeated the vrolens and was on the ship with his friends

I made 2 special episodes finished

In the first special episode, Tony and his friends are excited to see the sea and move on a ship
On the way back to Indonesia

The second special episode will show Tony and his friends arriving in Indonesia
And a secret ending

Tony: the sea view is rather the best, right?

Nadia: yes it's cold ton

Kevin: It's just normal times nad

Nadia: what the hell is Vin

Steven: hey tony kevin nadia it's getting dark
come in
Your friends, your father, your brother, your brother and the Christian family are already coming in

Tony: yes

Kevin: yes

Tony's father: hey Tony: come here

Tony: nad I was called my father you guys go inside first

Kevin: ok ton

Nadia: ok ton

Kevin and Nadia get into the ship

Meanwhile, Tony approached his father

Tony: what's wrong sir?

Mr. Tony: Let's see this sea view with you
In the past, you often saw the sea view with your parents, brothers and sisters and your grandparents

Tony: yes too

Mr Tony: really beautiful right?

Tony: that's right sir

Hasan: It's really beautiful, it's dark

Mr. Tony: finally we can see the sea view again
Finally, we saw the sea view when you were in grade 2 smp tonnes

Tony: hehe right sir

Mr tony: used to be as a child
Our family
Your grandfather (from your father's family)
Your grandmother (from your mother's family)
Your brother
And you
Always see this ocean view
The first time when you were 1 year old
Mother and father died
And your mother and father also died
So yes your grandparents are always sad but your mom and dad always take them like this
When you were in grade 1 sd
Our family is still complete
You scream in amazement at this sight
But unfortunately when you were in grade 5 sd
Your mother died
And your grandmother died
Grandfather and father were sad, but somehow seeing this view, you were not sad anymore
And when you were in grade 2 junior high school
That's the last time we saw an ocean view
With your grandfather your father your brother and you
And now we are given the opportunity to see the ocean view
But unfortunately your grandfather had to die
Now we only have 3 families left
But I don't think I'm lonely after seeing the sea views

Tony: yes Tony too

Hasan: me too

Tony's father cried and hugged his children
Tony and Hasan

Daddy Tony: Daddy beg daddy don't want to lose you
I lost many of the most valuable people in my life
Your grandmother
Your mother
Your grandfather

Tony: I don't want to lose my dad either

Hasan: me too

Tony's father: OK let's go in it's dark here it's really cold let's go in

henshiners s2 great war in egpyt English versionWhere stories live. Discover now