A Silent Way Part: 4

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Flying above our head were the misshapen horrors, the sound from them cause hell fire above us. The mud would protect us, but who's knows for how long... My stand won't respond, and with Johnny laying down his words of  impending doom didn't help either. I shakes under the mud, death was the only thing on my mind and I imagined it.

' We had a good run...' was my final thought as I put my arm around my head to block the painful screeching from the monsters.

Then all of a sudden, I feel a hand left my chin up, I see those same vibrant green eyes, just looking into them gave me hope. Nothing could harm me now, but... How will these eyes save me?

" (Y/n), you look like your ready for death. It may look like the odds are against us, but don't give up. I don't like that your (E/c) eyes look almost lifeless... The fire inside them looks to be dieing." He wipes some dirt off my face.

" It's like you're ready for death. I want to hear you say ' I'm gonna keep fighting' and nothing else. Can you say that for me?" He gaze was serious, but soft.

I start to stutter the sentence. " I'm... Gonna keep fighting."

" Good, don't let the situation get to you. Keep your cool, okay? I hate to see you crumble under pressure." I knew instantly, he was referring to Johnny.

" I can't say that Gyro...!" My voice shaked.

I throw my arms back over my head, the screeching became louder at which point I felt my ears bleed. I felt like I lost it, Gyro's eye went gray. I soon feel Johnny eyes on me, I turn to look at them. His eyes were wide, then he looks at the dirt his brows forrowd, it felt like he blamed himself, as if it was his fault these thoughts were in my head. I couldn't say if it was him, or me.

" I'm... I'm sorry... " He avoids my eyes and whispers to the dirt.

It felt hot from the flames, but cold from the silent that felt like eons.

" First off, Johnny, let me tell you one thing. Starting now, you can only say the words ' there's no way I can do this'... 4 times, and only 4 times. (Y/n), you say the opposite. Alright? '4 times'. That's what my father told me, when I was a kid." Gyro says turning his attention to the two of us.

" Long story shot," He starts. " The secret to the 'steel balls' is the pursuit of 'infinity'. They'd what my family, the Zeppelis, always strived for... My ancestors tired to contain the idea of 'infinity' into the skill of using the 'steel balls'. For the purpose of 'medicine' and 'execution'."

Gyro reaches for a stick and draws a perfect rectangle in the mud.

" There's a shape called the 'golden rectangle'. Have you heard of it? It refers to a rectangle that approximately constructed to a ratio of 9 to 16. In other words, it length is the golden ratio of 1:1.618."

We stare at the rectangle in the mud, counfused as ever, wondering what Gyro was on to... Or was 'on'.

" The rectangle was thought to be the  basic foundation for every perfect structure for beauty. The 'Great Pyramids Of Giza' ' The Bust of Nefertiti', Greece's 'Parthenon', the 'Venus De Milo's, Da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa'... In every artistic or architectural masterpiece... Whether by coincidence or calculation, this 'golden rectangle' is always hidden in it's structure. My ancestors came to the conclusion that is the result of expert sensibility. This perfect ratio... These artists knew the significance of this 'rectangle' instinctively... And that's why the world recognizes their work as a 'legacies of beauty'."

... I'd don't know much about art... Never seen any in my life I believe... Who's 'Da vincy'?

" Wait a second... Gyro. What are you talking about?! What is this all of a sudden...? I don't understand a word of it..."

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