Zombie Horse: Part 14

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It's been awhile since we last saw Oyecomova... He may be dead dude to the explosion from the wasp... But it was to fast for him to noticed, but that can't be it. like it was teleportation..?

" Zombie Horse?! If we miss one step we'll fall straight down the valley!Gyro! Is that thing really in the red canyon!"

We came across a wierd horse mural... Not a living horse?

" There it is!"

"Gyro, your saying that we almost died for a mural. Not a horse?"

" Yep, a crappy mural of a wild horse with a wild face."


" (Y/n), do you have any wire? A pin would work too. I'll connect it to the sting."

"  Yeah I do, you need help..?"

" Yes, if you don't mind."

I took the sting and tied it to the wire, and aim at his leg... I don't want to touch it...




It took awhile... Because this was my first time sewing, and because they didn't stop screaming at me to put Gyro's big toe back where it was, I just think it be better if we cut the damn thing...

" Almost done!"

" GWAH! GH! Hah..Hah.. you said that 35 minutes ago... But the Zombie Horse can heal wounds... They left the sting here so that I can sew with it... Should have done that instead of ask you... The sting can heal up to certain degree... At least to the point of fixing flesh that has been blown off... And sewed by this crazy lady."

" This is my first time! Hold still, or I'll rip the whole leg off instead of your toe! Okay, I get it..."

" What kind of logic is that?! You only sewed yourself up with hat dirty sting! That not going to fix you...! Especially with her sewing it like that!"

" God damnit! What did I just say?!"

" No offensive (Y/n), but Gyro, if it does work..."

" Hey, Gyro, didn't you say that your father worked in the field of medicine? Is it, technique?"

" No,(Y/n), it doesn't seem like a technique. Neither dose your steel ball. This is something bigger."

" A Stand..?"

" No... This... is a gift from the king, just as the letter said. Besides my old man... He never writes letters!"

" Wait, I'm not done yet! Your leg!"

" It's good enough, for your first time."

★Time skip★25km to monument vally★

We still had a ways to go from were we left off, but someone was on our tail.

" Johnny,(Y/n)... That guys horses must be on steroids! It's 25km to the goal! He ether has some crazy technique, or he's just doping, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to challenge us at this point. He must be doping! I just decided that he is."

" We don't know that for sure Gyro, but I agree with you on his horse being on straight drugs, even (H/n) fat ass is starting to slack! Johnny what's his name?"

" 'F.V strohiem'! He's a German, and he placed 7th in the first stage! Let's let him pass us guys! Our horse pluses have gone up 220 per minute! If we force our horses to run at there top speed here, they won't last until the goal!"

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