The Duty Of (Y/n) (L/n) Part 2/Terrorist From A Far Off country

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" (Y/n)! It's too dangerous for you two to be following me! You two Johnny! He's my enemy, not yours! It's my country's problem, not yours!"

He's right... But something won't let me turn back... Is it worry for him? It like something more... But I can't let him go alone.

" Gyro, I'm going."

" Listen... The terrorist is running from us now, but I'm tell you he's still just as dangerous. I'm sure Oyecomova is thinking up with a way to kill me right now..."

" That's more of a reason to come along with you, I don't want you to get killed, it's my choice to help out."

" (Y/n), you're gonna get dangerously hurt because of me! So leave now. You too Johnny! "

" You can't push me away from making sure your safe too! Don't you understand? I don't want you to get hurt!... I don't understand it, but I want to travel across this race with you....!"

Oh... Oh God.. did I say that?!


"... Aren't you going to red canyon to get the ' zombie horse' gift from the king? I want to see what it is. Could it fix that right leg of yours? How about my legs?"

" Look, don't expect anything wierd, and all I'm saying is that your in the way."

" I don't listen to people's orders, and I've hadn't received anybody's help... But since the beginning of the race me and (Y/n) been involved with you! It's to late to go our separate ways!"

What I said sounded creepy...

" I can't have feeling... N-not right now anyways."

" You say something? (Y/n)? Is it Gyro your talking about?"

" ...!"

★time skip ★river★

" Gyro! He's riding while spilling something from his canteen... Gyro, (Y/n)! Get out of the water! He's turn the water into 'bombs' !"

"Come on! Let's climb on the rocks!"

" No... Climb op to the rocks on your own! I'll just do the opposite and catch up to him..."

" What!?"

It was to late for that, as a pin explode and we had to jump over it.

" We touched his 'mine like pins' ... But it's the next moment they explode, we can accelerate and have them explode behind us. We'll run right through... The horses move forward about four meters in one stride. We would have been worst off trying to get our horses though the rocks.


" GUH!"

" Don't let your horse hesitate! I'll move within 15... No, 20 meters of him and slam my steel ball!"

" Oyecomova..! He's climbing up the waterfall!"

" The river climb up this slope!"

" We have to charge right up! Don't slow down! We have to climb it with the same speed!"


The explosion are getting closer to us!..! He.... He just throw something!

" He hit something! He hit something down here!"

" shit! It's a fuking wasp nest!"

" They're going to attack us! All of the wasp have pins on them! I'll have to slash them down one by one with my nail cutters!"

" Don't slow down Johnny! I'll have to do it! I'll throw my steel ball from here!"

" What!?"


Gyro was aiming for the spider web instead?!

" I caught the wasp's with the spiders web! Duck Johnny, (Y/n)!"

We all duck as the wasp's exploded with the web!

" All right! We've climb the waterfall!"

" Ugwaa!"


" Gyroooo!"

Gyro face exploded!

" Gyro! Are you okay?!"

" (Y/n), Johnny! Don't open your mouth! Stop breathing! Stop your horse's breathing! This wierd smell!"

I covered my mouth... How the fuck do I get my horse to stop breathing?! (H/n)?!

" You thought I could only send water and wasp... In the mountain land? Even the air I breathe! Everything I touch I can turn into mines! You three are the same as nice trap in a cage being burned by fire! Your out of options! There's nothing else you can do! You can't even breath! I received a wonderful gift from God! After I get out of this mountain land, I'll kill the king with this power!"

Oyecomova..? Looks confused all of a sudden?

" This is lame! You thought you could blow me up with the same wasp's I turn into mines! I'll cut this thing!...!"


" All the wasp ether explode or flew away. The source of the buzzing sound... Is the spin of Johnny's nails seems like you thought it was the sound of wasps you turned into bombs..."

He's right about Johnny's nails spinning but I do hear another buzzing noise...

".. And you pulled them closer trying to cut the web! Consequentially pulling your self towards my range! The power and pin of the steel balls increase because of the nails!"

Gyro shots his steel ball hitting perfectly at Oyecomova face!


Gyro hits him again and strikes!


..!? A wasp was by his face!? But it wasn't there before! Is it the buzzing I heard before? A wasp got close to me... But how did it get over there..?

" A wasp..? How the hell did it get there?"

" It's seems almost impossible that a wasp could've been close by him... This could have been something else..."

" Seems like over kill to me... Keep on running, (Y/n), Johnny! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in this race... Are still ours for the taking!"


Sorry this one kinda short but on the next chapter is the stand design I came up with... Not the best... You won't see it yet but I wanted to post it earlier so that I could makes changes if I wanted to... Hope you enjoyed. :-)

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