ⅷ. nothing special

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Diana hated school. She hated how many things changed, that she could go to school, revisit the same grade every decade and still learn something new. It just felt like a program being recited and ingrained into her brain, over and over.

Bella made it easier. Art was funnier trying to teach Bella, history was cooler being able to tell Bella the truth about things like the 1920s and World War 2, math was still boring but funnier with Bella.

Diana really appreciated her newfound friend, and she especially appreciated her brother for forcing them together. She probably would never have found a friend who accepted her if it weren't for her brother's idiotic actions in leaving the love of his life.

That being said, she wished he'd come back. Bella tried for Diana, she really did, but Diana could tell it wasn't easy. She wanted more than anything to comfort her friend, but the only ways that would make any difference were too dangerous. She couldn't tell Bella that she was a vampire, she couldn't tell Bella that she knew the Cullens, and she definitely couldn't tell Bella that she was Edward's sister.

So, Diana settled for helping out as much as humanly possible.

"You what?!" Bella laughed, nibbling on a carrot.

Diana chuckled, but nodded, "Yep, I've still got it, too."

Bella shook her head, "I can't believe you stole a license plate, because it said 'SPEEDY'."

"Yes, ma'am," Diana nodded, "I'll have to bring it to school sometime."

The girls lapsed into a moment of silence, as Diana sipped her water and Bella finished her salad. Then it was off to Biology. Bella always got quiet and rather short-tempered when it was time for biology, she despised biology.

Diana assumed it was mostly due to the fact that biology was where she met Edward, where they first spoke, and where she still remembered him fondly. Diana tolerated Bella's irate behavior during these two hours, mostly because she understood.

The feeling of anger so potent you feel the need to shatter things and kick and scream as if you were a toddler. The feeling of being so out of control of your life and your happiness that you just want to go to sleep for a good long while.

Diana could understand that.


School wasn't anything special the first time Diana had to attend, let alone what felt like the sixtieth. The days passed by slowly, as Diana learned and re-learned lesson after lesson. She found that math changed frequently, over the decades, health, too.

She hadn't had many careers, wanting to keep a low profile, she hadn't ever thought there were many options. She had been a nurse, a teacher, a lawyer, and a waitress; though she hadn't had any sort of job in the last 20 years. Overall, her life was just far too repetitive.

But, hanging out at Jacob's? It was something new, something refreshing. Diana knew she only felt this strongly connected to Jacob... to La Push, was because of that boy, the one she had yet to meet. She was scared to meet him- she didn't want to meet him. He was a shifter, a wolf, she simply couldn't allow it... not again.

Besides the stress, Diana had learned to cherish her growing friendship with Jacob. And her friendship with Bella, only Bella was different. Diana's friendship with Bella allowed her to reconnect to her brother, learn about him almost like Bella was him, or, a part of him at least.

She really could feel her brother's adoration for the girl, through their multiple trips to books stores, cafes, or just their study nights at Bella's house. Diana began to yearn for that spark of life again. She was happier.

Over the course of the week, the bikes slowly began to take shape, and Bella seemed happier, too... like her spirits had finally lifted. Friday night came, the trio had finished up for the day, and exited the garage.

"Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much." Jacob chuckled. Bella chuckled too, then she shook her head, "Tell him I'm not into the cougar thing."

Jacob raised a brow, "What is with you and age? I mean, that Cullen guy was young, didn't seem to... bother you."

Diana's head snapped up from the ground and she saw Jacob's regret. Bella sort of retreated into herself, and that was that.

The girls left a few minutes later and Bella didn't speak the whole way back to her house. Diana could tell the girl would have a hard night, but she couldn't offer a sleepover when the next morning would be plenty nerve-wracking in itself (not to mention the fact that she didn't sleep).

Suddenly, Bella pulled into the driveway, and parked, turning off the vehicle. The two sat in silence for a moment, Diana was saddened that she couldn't help the girl, though, maybe she could. Edward's voice echoed in her mind, and she hesitated, what if helping turned things upside down? What if helping, didn't help at all?

"I'm sorry," Bella sighed, breaking the silence. "I just-" she paused, not knowing how to say it.

"It still hurts..." she sighed, looking up at Diana with tearful eyes, "It hurts like it was yesterday."

Diana nodded, empathetically, "I know, love, I know." This wasn't a lie. Diana did know, from personal experience... from, far worse personal experience.

Bella's tears spilled and she laid her head on Diana's lap. They sat there, Bella crying and Diana combing the brunette's hair with gentle fingers. A girl and a vampire. A hurting girl and a lying vampire. The guilt weighed on Diana's shoulders like a boulder, unwavering.

"I just want to understand," Bella said, after a while of silence. She sat up and stared at the house in front of them, "I want to know- why?"

Diana nodded, a frown blemishing her face, "You might never," she sighed, and her frown deepened.

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