ⅹⅹⅰ. art class arguments and more wolves

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Diana hadn't seen Bella since their little adventure Friday evening, so, when art class came Monday morning Diana had to prepare herself for the multiple questions she was sure Bella would ask. Luckily, Ms. Day, the art teacher, didn't notice the girls talking hurriedly with hushed voices.


"So what?"

"Are you okay? Did you get him? What about those wolves? What happened after I left?" Bella exclaimed, not even trying with her canvas.

Diana shushed her friend, glancing at Ms. Day before replying, "I am fine, my shoulder was a little sore yesterday but I'm all healed up now. I'm not sure about Laurent, the wolves chased him off. I tried to follow them but I lost the scent. That's all."

Bella didn't like the lack of detail there but after several minutes of Diana insisting that there wasn't anything else to tell, and assuring her friend that her artwork was more important, the brunette sighed. She turned to her canvas and tried to give her work the attention it deserved.

But, she kept glancing at Diana's shoulder. An act that didn't go unnoticed by Diana. She looked pointedly at Bella, "I promise I'm fine, Bella. Drop it."

"I'm sorry, I just-" Bella's eyes glossed over, "You were in so much pain, Diana."

Diana swallowed and rubbed Bella's arm, "I'm fine, I'll let you check it when we get to your house later today, okay?"

Bella nodded, "I just hated feeling so helpless, you were risking your life for me and I was sitting there like-"

"Hey!" Diana interrupted her friend, "Don't do that. You're human, Bella there isn't anything you could've done anyway."

Bella nodded slowly and returned to her work for a moment. A silence lapsed between the two and for a moment, Diana had started putting some actual thought and work into her canvas when Bella paused, muttering to herself.

Suddenly she turned to her friend excitedly, "What if you turned me?"

Diana dropped her paintbrush and looked at Bella incredulously, "What?!" She glanced around the art room, then turned to Bella with an impatient gaze, "I couldn't-"

But Bella interrupted her, "Why not? I want to be one of you, Diana. And now, Edward hasn't got a say in it, he's not here anymore."

Diana shook her head, "That is the exact opposite of what I'm supposed to be doing here, Bella. Edward wanted me to make sure you moved on and lived a normal human life. He would kill me if I turned you."


"No, I'm sorry, Bella. But, I won't do it." Diana's tone very clearly stated that the topic was not open for further discussion. She went back to her painting, ignoring Bella for the rest of class.

At 12:30, the girls sat down at the Cullens' old table in the cafeteria. There was a moment of silence between them, neither quite sure where to begin. Then, they both went to speak.

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"I'm so sorry-"

They both paused, laughing lightly. Then Diana went first, "I'm sorry, I ignored you earlier."

Bella shook her head, "No, I'm sorry for being so insistent. I shouldn't have brought that up."

Diana leaned forward to hug her friend, "It's ok to want things, and I understand where you're coming from," then she pulled away, "-but, I just can't do something like that."

Bella nodded, "I understand."

The two, having made up, spent the rest of the lunch chatting about schoolwork, past lives, and memories. Diana was happy to have made up with Bella. She had grown fond of the girl over the last few months and she really did cherish their friendship.

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