ⅹⅹⅹ. interruptions

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"So, you basically told him to stick it, huh?" Paul teased, poking Diana's side.

Paul had dragged her out of the house for an early morning walk, where she told him the happenings of her evening.

"No! I would never say that to my brother, no matter how mad I was. If mother could've heard that, I'd be six feet under!"

Paul paused, "You don't talk about your mother too often."

Diana stopped too, turning into him, "No, I don't, huh?"

"Tell me about her."

Diana's face turned cold, "I don't remember too much, I forgot all about my parents the first few months after turning."

But, Paul persisted, "Well tell me what you do remember."

Diana's face warmed again and she smiled, "She taught us how to play the piano. I remember watching her play, she was so pretty."

"What was her name?" They had started walking again, stepping carefully over fallen trees and bushes.

"Elizabeth," Diana said, smiling fondly.

"I'm sure she was amazing, Sugar."

Diana nodded and opened her mouth to speak when they were interrupted... again.

"If you... what!? No. No way, I won't let you!"

Diana looked towards the voices, "Was that Jake?"

Paul looked alarmed but nodded and they headed up the small hill to the left of them, to see Jacob with his back to them and Edward and Bella across from them.

"You're not gonna be one of them," Jacob said again, he was getting angry.

"That's not your call," Bella tried reasoning with him.

"You know what we'll do to you, I won't have a choice-" Jacob pushed, he was breathing heavily, ready to phase.

Edward noticed Diana and Paul standing there, holding hands, and his face turned stony. "We're done here," he said. He took Bella's arm, starting to pull her away.

Jacob lunged, trying to grab Bella from him, "You don't speak for her!"

Edward pushed Jacob away, and he flew back, but in mid air, he phased.

The wolf landed on all fours, spinning to face Edward in an attack stance. Edward shifted his stance, as well, readying for a fight.

"Stop!" Bella shouted.

Edward and Jacob circle one another, seconds from lunging, "Should we do something about this?" Diana muttered to Paul.


Neither of them moved. Instead, they watched as Bella raced between the men.

"You do this, you'll have to go through me!" She shouted, pushing Edward back.

The silence that followed the human's statement was stuffy, if a fight broke out it could go either way. Diana didn't know if she wanted to intervene, let alone if she even should. Paul made no move to back his pack-mate, so the two stood still, watching intently.

Neither male seemed to want to back down, Bella saw this and spoke again, "I swear to God, I'm not moving."

Both rivals could see she was dead serious. Edward was the first to back off, but only slightly, and Jacob did the same.

"Give me a second. Please," Bella sighed, turning to Edward. He shook his head, not moving an inch.

"Read his thoughts. Is he going to hurt me?"

Edward glared hard at Jacob but reluctantly backed away. He nodded to his sister, who grabbed Paul and made her way out of the forest.

They emerged from the greenery to see Edward waiting by his car. Diana's grip on Paul's hand tightened and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. Together they walked towards Edward, who hadn't looked up from the ground.

"Stop listening in," Diana scolded.

Her brother finally looked up and studied the couple with an icy gaze. Diana glared back at him, tugging Paul behind her slightly.

Edward shook his head, "So, where'd you find this one?"

Diana blinked, "I won't converse with you like this."

"No, I genuinely want to know, Diana. They flock to you like you're mother hen, why?"

Paul bristled with anger, he wanted nothing more than to tear Edward apart, but that wouldn't help anything and that definitely wouldn't help Diana, who hadn't spoken a word. Edward hadn't dropped his glare, and even though he didn't say anything else, he turned his gaze to Paul.

"I'm not sure, I guess." Diana swallowed.

"Where'd the last one run off to? Did he come to the conclusion that he shouldn't be with you, that imprinting is just bull-"

Diana moved to stand in front of her mate and stared at her brother with watery eyes, "I refuse to tolerate this from you."

She turned and grabbed Paul, dragging him away and back to the forest.

They had walked for a while before Diana said anything. Paul wasn't quite happy with the words that came out of her mouth.

"That could've gone worse," she shrugged.

Paul scoffed, "Could it have? I mean, I know it could have, I wanted to kill him for talking to you that way. But I WAS NOT expecting you to react that way- or, not react in that way. That was way out of line, and you took it like you deserved it!"

Diana watched silently as Paul raged, taking his anger out on a nearby tree. First, he punched and kicked the tree, then he phased and shaved the bark clean off. After a few moments, his wolf collapsed onto his haunches and growled.

Diana approached carefully, making a wide half-circle around him. She smiled softly at his tired but angry face and sat down in front of him. She let out a sigh and rolled her shoulders. Paul whimpered and shoved his nose in her palm. Diana smiled softly and petted his head, rubbing her fingers through his fur.

"I spent so many years... worried about what Edward said or thought of me, I spent too many years wondering if I had done enough to fix things. And of all those years of worry, all they left me with, is the knowledge that all of that time is gone."

She sighed, "None of my own thoughts or concerns helped me, in any way. I meant what I said last night; I refuse to fear his anger any longer, I'm done letting it control what I say and do. Somehow, I'll always love him, and I'll always be here for him- clearly. But, that doesn't mean I tolerate his attitude, all it means is that I have come to accept him for what he is."

The wolf let out a sigh and nudged her to her feet. Diana smiled and hopped onto his back, holding on for dear life as he took off, running through the forest.


"I almost feel bad for not saying anything, Jake definitely knew we were there."

"I know he knows, I asked if he was on something," Paul chuckled. Diana shoved his arm but laughed with him.

They were sitting on the couch in Diana's living room, talking and joking about their morning. Paul was playing with Diana's hair and she had grabbed his free hand to draw shapes on his palm.

"If they're gonna make it a habit to keep interrupting us like that, I might be the one trying to convince you to leave," he teased, pulling Diana to his chest.

She chuckled and opened her mouth to say something, but Paul brought her in for a long, gentle kiss.

When they parted, Diana raised a brow and Paul just laughed, "I couldn't let you interrupt me, too."

Diana shook her head, laughing with him.

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