ⅹⅹ. fire embraces ice

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The wolves had destroyed Laurent, then stalked behind the trees and came back out a moment later, clothed in cutoff shorts. Diana studied them carefully, checking for any cuts or bruises. She recognized them all; Sam, Jared, Embry, Jacob... and Paul. Jacob in particular didn't take his eyes off of her. His gaze was sharp like he didn't know whether to glare at her or not.

"Thank you," Diana said, nodding to Sam. "If you wouldn't have been there... I-"

"No problem, Diana," Sam said, nodding solemnly. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared for her life after hearing her scream like that. The cold stab of fear that ran through Paul had affected Sam as well, but even then he couldn't imagine how scared Paul had been. Glad that she was safe, the alpha smiled warmly at her, nudging Paul forward.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Diana moved her hand, the area was healed, though scarred. Paul growled slightly but Diana just nodded, "It's sore, but I'll be okay."

Diana turned her gaze to the boys before her, "How about you guys? Sam, you broke a couple of trees," Diana chuckled slightly.

The guys chuckled, Embry shrugging, "It takes more than one to get the best of us, Diana." Sam assured her he was alright. Jared and Jacob still hadn't said anything. She noticed a large bruise on Paul's face, leading down to his chest. Anger bristled inside her and she glared at Laurent's broken body. Then, she stood and started collecting the pieces.

"What are you doing?" Jared asked.

Diana glanced at them, "I have to burn the pieces... best way to ensure there's no coming back."

Sam ordered Jared and Embry to leave for a perimeter run. Then, Sam, Paul, and Jacob began helping her. They carried Laurent's broken body back to the meadow and placed the pieces in a small pile.

"I don't have a lighter," Sam said. Diana took a deep breath, as her eyes scoured the land around her, "We don't need one," she said, then she nodded to herself and backed up a few feet, "Step back."

The boys stepped back, standing slightly behind Diana. The girl felt for Paul's hand and gripped his wrist as if her life depended upon his touch, "Just don't freak out..." she muttered. She held her free hand out towards Laurent's broken body, seemingly preparing herself. Then, she flexed her middle and ring finger, and fire burst from her hand. Laurent went up in flames.

Diana relaxed her hand slightly, no longer needing to add to the fire. She didn't drop her arm though, she still needed to maintain the fire and keep it from spreading. There was a long moment of silence as the group relaxed slightly, glad to have ridden Forks of another danger.

Suddenly, Diana released Paul and began walking cautiously around the flames. Making sure to keep her hands concentrated on the circle, Diana used both to contain the flames. The men watched in awe, as she condensed the circle of fire, slowly putting it out. Laurent was nothing but a pile of ash.

There was a moment of silence, then Sam clapped slowly, "You should come to the next bonfire."

Paul playfully punched his Alpha's arm, "I was supposed to invite her," he grumbled. Diana smiled and looked to Jacob, who was staring at her.

"Are we okay?" Diana asked. She didn't know how he would react to her, now that he knew she was a vampire. To her relief, Jacob nodded, though hesitantly.

"You're one of my best friends," he sighed. "And unfortunately, I like you too much to let my anger ruin our friendship."

Diana smiled and hugged him. Jacob embraced her. Paul growled at their proximity. Sam stopped him from separating them. He didn't know what was so different about the vampire, but he liked her; she brought the pack together, she was respectful of the species' differences, she made Paul happy, she was different.

"You don't stink too bad, either." Jacob joked, chuckling lightly. Diana pulled away from him and swatted his arm.

Then, Paul approached her from behind, wrapping her in a hug. Diana tensed as his blood thrummed in her ears, then she relaxed, comforted by his warmth. Sam nodded at her, then he and Jacob phased, and ran from the meadow.

"What brought this on?" Diana asked, referring to Paul's embrace. "I don't mind, I just thought you were, well... still on edge."

Paul sighed, and kissed her scarred shoulder, (that now matched her left one quite well), "I heard you screaming... I didn't think I was going to make it to you in time-" she turned in his embrace, now facing him, her hands on his chest, "I couldn't... I still can't bear the thought of losing you, not when I've barely had the chance to... to..."

"The chance to what?" Diana asked, quietly.

Paul stared into her eyes, portraying much more than words could ever. Diana's heart warmed under his gaze, he looked at her like she was his only source of light in a dark world. Then he slowly leaned in.

Diana wanted more than anything to kiss him, but she couldn't help herself, she froze. His hot breath fanned her face, and her ears strained to pick up anything but the sound of his blood thrumming with vibrancy.

"Paul," Diana whispered, "I don't think," she swallowed, "-I can... do this."

Paul smiled and kissed her cheek, "Just," then the corner of her mouth, "-relax." Then, his lips captured hers.

They moved in sync, two opposites battling for the other; hot against cold, life against death. Diana reveled in the feeling of Paul on her lips, the taste he left her with satiated her lust for his blood. They molded together perfectly, neither knowing where they ended and the other began.

Paul had waited patiently for the cool of her mouth to move as ferociously as the heat of his own, when it did, the two disappeared into their own world, fireworks igniting in their bellies. This was meant to be. It felt too right, to be wrong.

They parted, Paul, needing to catch his breath. Diana kissed his jaw before she grasped the back of his neck and pulled him into her shoulder. Her fingers threaded through the hair at the base of his neck, as she breathed him in.

"I hate to be cliche here," Paul breathed into her hair, "...but wow."

Diana laughed, she hadn't been this happy in forever.

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