ⅹⅹⅷ. bad news volterra

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Jane led Edward, Diana, Bella, and Alice through several narrow, dark hallways, with Felix and Demetri bringing up the rear. Edward never loosened his grip on his sister's hand. Finally, they reached a folding, iron elevator door and Jane easily pulled it aside. They all filed in and the door clanged shut.

Diana could see Bella was uncomfortable standing so close to Felix, and she let go of her brother's hand, to switch places with her human friend. Felix smirked and grabbed onto Diana's arm, pulling her close. She ignored the gesture and instead looked to the ground. The group suffered through a few moments of opera music before the elevator finally screeched to a halt.

They entered the lobby, an elegantly decorated space with old-world charm, and were greeted politely by an attractive, human, receptionist, "Buon pomeriggio."

Diana heard Bella ask about her, and Edward muttered an answer, quietly. The group continued through the lobby and down a grand corridor, the one Diana had hoped to never return to. Finally, they reached carved double doors which opened to reveal a large throne room.

Bella, Edward, Diana, and Alice entered to face the three ancients: Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Diana also recognized the eight Volturi guards, including Jane, Felix, and Demetri, who lined the walls in a variety of modern dark overcoats.

Aro rose to greet them, approaching them like old friends. He smiled and nodded to Alice, who respectfully nodded back, and then his gaze landed on Diana.

He was frozen for a moment, seemingly reading her stance and eyes. Then his smile changed and he tilted his head slightly, "Welcome home, my dear."

Diana nodded, "I see you remodeled," she quipped, smiling lightly.

Aro almost visibly shuddered, "Yes, well, we weren't left with much of a choice, were we?"

Diana smirked but did nothing else to aggravate the old one. So, said vampire turned to Edward and Bella, gazing happily at them. He took Edward's hand and shook it.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?"

Caius responded with a sour expression and Marcus looked as if he couldn't have cared less. Aro didn't release Edward's hand, as he looked into the younger vampire's eyes.

"Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

Edward tenses but nods, "It's not without difficulty."

Aro seemed to not have heard Edward, he simply studied Bella, smiling slightly. Bella looked questioningly at Aro, then he and Edward's hands. Edward explained, "With one touch, Aro can see every thought I've ever had."

"You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. Though... you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating."

He released Edward's hand and turned to Bella, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well."

He reached for Bella's hand, stopping short as if asking for permission. Bella hesitated and looked to Diana, as if to ask, do I have a choice? Diana smiled reassuringly, though it didn't quite sell. Aro laughed at her reluctance, further extending his hand. Bella finally took it.

There was a tense beat of silence as he held her hand... Diana waited anxiously to see if her brother was just inadequate, but then confusion swept over Aro's face and he muttered disapprovingly, "Interesting."

He released her, then stepped back a few feet, "I wonder... Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we Jane?"

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